Sunday, July 5, 2020

Happy Days

I couldn't decide what to write about after all this've heard enough about the virus, and the politics and everything that has occurred since March....So I will concentrate on other stuff. Inconsequential, meaningless and frivolous happenings. Important and unimportant events.

1st   is bird feeding which I gave up several years ago because the squirrels ate everything I put out. (Back yard, front yard, near the house, far in the woods ) So I decided to try 1 more time to feed the birds. I found out that BIRDS like thistle seeds and squirrels don't. I had 3 very old feeders. I ordered the seed on line (no shopping in stores), put them in the front yard where I could see them from the family room and easily refill when needed. AND the birds came !!! Cardinals and mourning doves and robins and wrens and sparrows and other birds I don't know. And if you know me you know I can't leave well enough alone so I read more info about birds and discovered that they will eat stale bread and crackers soaked in water. They gobbled up saltines, challah, matzah, rye bread, bagels and muffins. They weren't crazy about garlic bread from Mamma Lucias but eventually ate it. The squirrels seemed to like it !! I put a large plastic dish filled with mush, place it on the ground under the hanging feeders for the ground feeding birds in the morning I remove it in the evening.

Yes I know the feeder also attracts mice, moles, voles and many many chipmunks. I shooed away a deer at 2 am. But I am having a wonderful time watching  them through the window during Zoom exercise and yoga classes. I find broken limbs and branches and rocks to bring to the area.
Just my kind of mental distraction !!!

How's that little story ?? Boring ? Dull? Mundane ? Good .
Got many more ! How about a story about the thrills of online 
grocery shopping ?

And is there any interest in the variety of cleaning projects available that I never heard of (online)
TV shows from the 50's and 60's (Annie Oakley, Rte 66, )
Endless repeats of Frasier, all the Law and Orders, 

Everybody in my family and world is healthy. 
Hope you are too.

Friday, December 6, 2019

I read my last blog before writing seems that I was excited about clothes that fit and wearing them. DONE  OVER  FINISHED with that nonsense.!!!! Back to loose, baggy, roomy and comfortable ( what made me think that I could change who I am and what I wear ?)
I tried, really I did !! 

2019 is almost over and I am looking forward to a fall-free year in 2020.( not counting minor trips or tumbles and stumbles ....bruises okay no breaks please).

PD is here to stay so I just will have to "deal" (whatever that means) with it. I think everyone feels that way about something in their world.

 My plan is to
* Remember when all else fails there is always a Law and Order and SVU and CI to watch.
 *Hope for impeachment
 * Welcome a healthy new baby to the family

Happy and Healthy New Year !!


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Now that I look at the picture I think I look SAD which I AM NOT !!! 

Perfectly happy,  but yes I am a little nervous. Why ??? Because for the 1st time in the 55 or so years that I have been picking  out what to wear.....I actually purchased shirts and pants.....that are the correct size  AND WORE THEM ALL DAY!!

Yes, it was weird for me. I kept checking any mirror I passed to see if I was fully clothed.

I graduated from MCPS in June 1968. The dress code for girls at that time was skirts or dresses only. Except of course the vile, hideous one piece GYM SUIT that you had to take home every Friday and bring back CLEAN on Monday. (my mother used to iron our gym  clothes). Hated skirts and matching sweaters (Villager and John Meyer).

BUT THEN in September 1968 MCPS abolished the DRESS CODE !!!! it was too late.

What does this random clothing blog have to do with Parkinsons ?
NOTHING , just tired of writing about random Parkinsons. You have heard it all.....dyskinesia, balance, tremors, and totally unexpected daily fluctuations despite drugs, acupuncture , is so WHATEVER.........

I will try to write more coherently next time
Maybe I shouldn't enjoy the side effects of MEDICAL reefers (as my father called it) and write at the same time.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

***No talking today about Parkinson Disease or  Therapy or Acupuncture or anything body or brains related. White (the cat) is sleeping, hiding, 
relaxing and thinking...all healthy activities I try to accomplish each day!!!  ***   


Remember M&Ms melted in your mouth not in your hand ? Well mine melted in my hand and in the bowl !!! Kinda like art??

The partially empty plastic jar was holding the last of the was in the garage...and a toothy rodent chewed through it and did it in such a way that it sorta looked like cat ears (use your imagination !! And thats all folks !!! WHATEVER


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It's been awhile since I have posted any news, mainly because I have tried to take it slowly and minimize my activities so as NOT fall, trip, stumble, misstep, or crash into a floor or wall or grass or trees. 
Its a little boring but so is surgery and rehab. I have a walker on every level of the house. I have a walker in the car and a walker for outdoors. I have made solemn vows to family and friends to go NOWHERE without a walker. Canes are not helpful for me. 
I have learned a lot about the world of walkers. (and wheelchairs). 
1.There are few automatic door openers (push the button to open)  but there are lots of people to hold the door (restaurants, smaller shops, office buildings).  
2. Its tricky getting the walker in and out of the car when you are by yourself BUT it can be done (slowly)
3.There are so many different kinds of walkers....
wheeled, no wheels, with seats, with and without brakes. My favorite has a seat, storage, hand brakes and its blue.
4). Certain stores are more accessible than others for walkers. My current favorite is Target...covered parking, always shopping carts nearby so I can then push the cart to the store where I can get a riding cart to shop. They are fast and fun and yes I have knocked over a few cardboard one hurt !!
5) Sidewalks are sometimes treacherous..dips, cracks, uneven pavement, tree roots...

All bird feeders are gone from the front yard and back yard. I'm now concentrating on plants on the new deck, and (with assistance) decorative wind blower 'things' in the back.

So....doing okay....I can sit in the front or back of the house and breathe. And enjoy the trees and greenery and squirrels and chipmunks and car sounds from 270 !!


Sunday, May 12, 2019

I'm home recuperating from the hip surgery ....doing pretty well. I have a PT coming 2x a week. I have a home health care aid who is GREAT !! There is still pain in my hip and leg but for the most part 800 Ibuprofen works well enough.....I won't take anything stronger. If I time the dosages correctly take one in the middle of the night (when I'm awake anyway) then it makes it that much easier to move (my body) first thing in the morning.

I am trying to put this all in perspective ....Parkinsons, falls, my risky behaviors ( like moving sticks and stones), walking with a walker forever (maybe)....

Maybe its time to move to a single level condo. Maybe give up my obsessions about feeding every bird and squirrel in N. Bethesda....
Instead of creating huge rock gardens make little ones (not sure what to do with them ??)  

I definitely DO NOT WANT TO go through this kind of  trauma again and will do what is necessary to avoid hazardous situations,   This latest fall was unpredictable and seemingly had no cause (didn't trip, stumble, feel dizzy)  I just went down  !!! That's what makes Parkinson's such a stupid, tricky, nasty, mean, unrelenting disease.

Could be worse I know. Way worse. 


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Good Morning Friends and Family

I fell last week. In the house. Holding my granddaughters hand. No obstacles in the way. No dizziness. No wine or weed. Just fell.
Hard on the wood floor. I knew it was bad because I couldn't move at all. Much drama happening all at son, daughter in law and daughter and  2 grand kids were visiting from out of town... (for Passover).  911 responded quickly...went to Suburban Hospital  X-rays and scans showed that I had broken my right hip.

So I had surgery the next morning. It was a break called an anterior which is in the front of the hip. Different than the break 6 years ago on my left hip. 2 days later I was transported to the Hebrew Home Rehab. It was very interesting moving process The social workers at Suburban determine which facility would be the best place for my recovery but mostly which rehab had room right away. As it turned out the Hebrew Home is 5 minutes from my home. If I could move more easily I could walk home !!! (escape if necessary!!)

This is a very different experience than the 1st hip replacement 6 years ago and the hip replacement/hip repairs last year. I am not in horrendous pain around my hip (very sore of course ) but I suffered extensive bruising on my right side sorta where my ribs are and kinda upper thigh...
I tried to handle it with Tylenol only but it was too much. Now I'm taking Tramadol which seems to take the edge off.

This week I will do 1 hour of PT and 1 hour of OT each day. I hope I can go home in a week or so.

I am still feeling WHATEVER !!! (positive) because I WILL be okay...I won't be moving any rocks or stones for a while but I can walk ( I have 4 walkers, 4 canes, a wheelchair and 2 pairs of walking sticks and other equipment).
I can watch crosswords....the important things in life !!!

That's all folks
