Saturday, August 27, 2016


Finishing up a great week in Madison visiting Jaime and Lola (and their parents). Did some of my (our) favorite activities.......gardening, landscaping, (pulling weeds) buying lawn ornaments, setting up a bird feeder, AND going to the zoo, McDonalds with a big play area , the Library, Target (2x)s,
pretended to be kitties, and slept an average of 8 uninterrupted hours a nite !!!!! Sammy joined us for 2 days of fun !!!!
Now its time to go back home on Sunday. I will be back soon !!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

My favorite cookie shop in the world is in NYC and if you ever wanted to send a gift to someone special you can see the address on the bag. CC is my favorite. Very $$$$ but worth it !!!

Too hot in DC so I am returning to Madison on Sunday for a week for Grandma and Jaime time ...there's no school or camp so I am going to be Grandma Mrs Tunis and plan some exciting activities like going to the library, set up bird feeders, the pool or a lake, maybe the children's museum, a movie, or just hang !!!

I am hoping for a once in a millennium August snowfall in Madison !!!!


Monday, August 8, 2016


The first picture is  Grandma and Jaime and Lola.
The second picture is a huge field (acres) of sunflowers....amazing.
The 3rd picture is somewhat misleading....Jaime is napping BUT its Grandma who is exhausted !!!!! (and happy)

Back to Md last night from Madison, WI
The most interesting (okay maybe not the most) part of the visit for me was the virtual  disappearance of the major PD problems .....
* didn't fall, trip, stumble, lose balance
* walked on grass, up hills (small) down hills, pavement
* was able to get up from a sitting position on the couch or chair to          a standing position while holding little Lola !!!!
* walked up and down a spiral staircase.

All in all the trip went very well. I heard this morning that Delta had shut down world wide so I got lucky by flying yesterday .

I had a chance to go to Jaime's camp and read a book to the kids.
Jaime and I sorted and organized her toys and books. We played letter and word and writing "games". Lola and Jaime and I had deep and meaningful discussions and conversations about life.

And I get to go back to Madison in a couple of weeks ! We have lots more to do. Setting up a bird feeder, going to the childrens museum, maybe the zoo. Jaime and I were bitten by every bug in the state, so depending on the weather (and bugs) maybe the movies or gardening.

Pictures will be posted some time soon !!


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Been in Madison WI enjoying beautiful weather , wonderful grandkids, close to Target, eating in and eating out.....

My favorite activities are being Mrs. Grandma the teacher, unpacking boxes, sorting kids books, rock a bye ing the baby, (Lola) ,  finding limbs to pick up (assisted by Jaime), visits to the pool, fields of sunflowers, .........

can't wait to come PD in WI !!!

Photos will appear eventually.