Sunday, December 18, 2016

This t shirt says it all !!!!! PD does, for the most part , suck BIG
You've heard it all here.....falling, tripping, stumbling, OCD, shaking, freezing gait, anxieties, choking, pain (from various PD injuries), movement in general, you know my usual complaining  PD schtick .

But as the year 2016 comes to a close I still feel that I'd rather have PD than "something"else. I find humor (in books, blogs...other than my blog) about PD. I can use PD as an excuse for whole varieties of activities  I may NOT FEEL like doing......(you never know!!!???? if its true or false) like parties, errands, movies, eating out. I can be at any time sluggish, hyperactive, moody, joyful, mean or kind obsessive.

So I will be looking forward to 2017 so I can 
1. continue to drive (get outta my way),  
2. go to exercise and yoga with PD friends in group  
3. pretend to try and lose weight,
4. use medical marijuana,
5. drink white wine, 
6. go to estate sales,
7. watch Jeopardy, move furniture & eat M&Ms.
8. visit with Jaime, Lola, Oscar and all other VIP grandkids and their families
9. buy T-shirts , watch birds, battle squirrels, move rocks
10. appreciate all the attention and support from family, friends, and strangers who hold doors open, etc.

Okay enough.
Have a safe and happy Chanukah, Xmas, Kwanzaa, New Year 

Monday, December 5, 2016

This is also picture of me at 66, but this time looking more like my kinda tired and raggy self. I would like to pretend that I 1) don't have PD and 2) I am not aging a bit faster than I imagined. But thank God there are mirrors and selfies that don't lie !!!

I am noticing subtle ( and not so subtle) physical and mental challenges and changes . I play a game (solitaire version) that I try to categorize my ailments by asking is "IT"  PD? or AGING? or me? Heres a list along.......

*walking funny and unbalanced steps
*having trouble getting in and out of the car
*getting up from a sitting position
*sitting down not falling into a chair
*finding mysterious and unknown black and blues on arms and legs
*thinking that obsessive rock moving is normal (like rock climbers   
always a new peak to scale)
*not so nimble fingers typing and texting
*BIG worries on everything WEATHER related (driving, walking)
*visual perception when driving
*MEMORY....what was I thinking ? where was I going? 
AND...............................................aches and pains and soreness and stiffness and fatigue  and bad dreams and getting up at 2am to pee and a lot of 'what was I saying?"

I love estate sales. I used to go with my mother and you didn't have to buy anything to find it interesting. Now you go on line and look at pictures to see if there is anything you KINDA want. When I saw this monkey on line I knew I had to have it. Being very worried that it would be sold before I got there I went the 20 miles (so it seemed) and guess what !!! I got it !!! It is now living happily with other vintage simian friends.

