Saturday, January 28, 2017

        Saturday Jan 28th

I'm back in Md. where there is no snow or ice. But the day I left Madison gave me a little thrill of a real winter wonderland. Beautiful because I didn't have to drive, shovel or even walk in boots !!  
Now I"m back at home wondering why the garbage disposal just exploded into the sink (gunk, water, and God knows what) and the dishwasher leaked gallons of water on the floor. I'm dizzy and nauseous and headachy and stomachachy and took a minor backwards stumble (no reason - just happened)  Of course NONE of that PD BS happened in Madison..........Welcome home.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

It's Sunday am and all is quiet on the midwestern front. Here are some verses to share ...........

Jaime has become Monkey the cat
She meows and purrs and pounces
And licks and kicks and snuggles

Lola is a big girl now
She eats (gums) bits of challah and everything mushy
She drinks from a bottle 
How many ounces???

Grandma tries to organize books and toys
It is a passion (compulsion) at my house
But I don't live here and so I have to stop and
Just smell the roses (or poopie diapers ) maybe
Wipe drippy noses

I usually don't have PD in Wisconsin (so far no problem)
Michelle and Jeremy remain super (overly) (lovingly) wary
They don't want me in the backyard moving rocks and picking up sticks
It's too scary for them to think I'd maybe slip and fall
What's a little snow and ice ?
I promised to behave
I promise to be nice 

Where is the sun ? It's been mild but foggy
No complaints about the weather though
It would be pretty to see some  snow
Hey ! Gotta go ! 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday Jan 19

Good Morning from Madison 

I wrote this blog on the almost empty (17 people !!!) plane yesterday with wine and pretzels in hand.

I'm flying solo on Delta to Madison
Fleeing the city before it is 
turned into a horrific DUMP
by an "illegitimate" pseudo prez named Trump

I am sorry I'll miss the Womens March
PD and crowds don't mix
My heart and brain will attend
Please DONT rain !!! (ok rain, you come on Friday)

On Friday I will go to school with Jaime
NO internet NO tv just celebrating Shabbat
Pretending I am not scared......
I'll play in PreK, read books, eat challah
Pray for everyones safety 
Send the messages to God, Jehovah and Allah !!
In Madison I will blog and send pics 
I will relax and chill
Never try to climb an icy hill
Remembering how we lived through 
Nixon, Reagan and Bush without our 
bodies and souls turning to mush

I'll return home refreshed and renewed 
Back to exercise and yoga 
Feeding squirrels and birds
Ignoring political turds ( jerks liars whores)

Thats all for now....I will write more
WHO knows what is in store ?????

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

It is official. I AM my mother. I am not talking about PD.....I am referring to the fact that yesterday I went to CVS and bought white shoe polish for my kinda ratty looking New Balance sneakers. (do they still say sneakers? I mean walking shoes)
My inclination was just to get a new pair ( 2 days free shipping Amazon) but then like an inspirational flash I had a memory of my mom playing tennis in pristine WHITE Keds canvas tennis scuffs, no dirt

 I had trouble squeezing , dabbing and maneuvering the applicator evenly around the velcro straps and NB logo. Wonder if Amazon sells white Keds ??!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year from the Galin and my sister Janice (or is it 'Janice and I')...our mother was a grammar goddess ) so I guess it matters......
NO NO NO!!! If you're wondering if Janice has PD and the answer is NO NO NO !!!

Often our 1st am phone call is 
did you sleep?
what hurts?
any doctor apts?

Answers vary on any given day. When we are done with updating daily medical conditions then we move to whether to tell our grown children how to parent, live their lives, where to live, jobs, marriage 
We usually decide not to intervene (keep it only between us) and then the days plans. Exciting events to come !!!! Costco, thrift shop, CVS, exercise, laundry.....can't wait !!!

WHY ???  doesn't Janice have PD? Because the "Being in Charge of  Distributing Genelogical Medical Conditions" made the choice to have us share some problems (bad backs thanks Dad) but then separated many others between the Galin sisters........psorasis, IBS
skin, thin hair, freckles YET  made sure we both had osteoporosis, interest in word puzzles, Jeopardy, Democrats , big narrow hard to find shoes for FEET, love of cats, common sense.

My mother Lola was thrilled  to have 2 girls. She had 3 brothers and although she had close girl cousins it wasn't the same as a sister. She felt that Janice and I would always be there for each other and so far she's been absolutely right on !!!!

So I hope Janice and I can spend New Years Eve together for many years to come as we have done for many years.
Love to Janice my sister