Thursday Jan 19
Good Morning from Madison
I wrote this blog on the almost empty (17 people !!!) plane yesterday with wine and pretzels in hand.
I'm flying solo on Delta to Madison
Fleeing the city before it is
turned into a horrific DUMP
by an "illegitimate" pseudo prez named Trump
I am sorry I'll miss the Womens March
PD and crowds don't mix
My heart and brain will attend
Please DONT rain !!! (ok rain, you come on Friday)
On Friday I will go to school with Jaime
NO internet NO tv just celebrating Shabbat
Pretending I am not scared......
I'll play in PreK, read books, eat challah
Pray for everyones safety
Send the messages to God, Jehovah and Allah !!
In Madison I will blog and send pics
I will relax and chill
Never try to climb an icy hill
Remembering how we lived through
Nixon, Reagan and Bush without our
bodies and souls turning to mush
I'll return home refreshed and renewed
Back to exercise and yoga
Feeding squirrels and birds
Ignoring political turds ( jerks liars whores)
Thats all for now....I will write more
WHO knows what is in store ?????