Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This will be a total PD kids or cats or impeach Trump now quips. (Although I prefer those stories over the realities of PD.)

I'll start by writing about a recent "invitation" to participate in a drug trial at Georgetown U. At first I was excited...I will try ALMOST anything once but as I started reading the 30 pages (or so) I saw that the initially prior to taking the new drug (or maybe the placebo) a spinal tap was required. I have had VERY BAD reactions to spinal taps...I'll skip the details .....AND I had to stop one of the PD drugs (Azilect) right away.  I could feel the difference (without Azilect) immediately....body wasn't right.

So FORTUNATELY I was in Madison and my DIL Michelle (who is a physician) took a lot of time to go over line by line the details of the intensive study. After a night of do I ? don't I ? participate ? I asked Michelle for her honest opinion. Her response was that given that at this point my PD, while progressing, is not debilitating ...I drive, shop, babysit, move furniture , feed birds, write books, exercise, travel (not too far)....pretty much doing what I want. If "things" don't feel right I adjust my schedule or activities or meds......

When the PD begins to overwhelm me and nothing is working THEN (suggests Dr. Michelle) would she recommend a study or drug trial. I agreed with everything she said and after I contacted GU to say NO THANKS I felt like I had made the right decision and took a deep breathe and then went in Jeremy and Michelle's beautiful backyard and picked a few weeds and then came back inside and relocated some kids books. 

Thankful for family ( and friends of course) understanding and support.

Monday, May 8, 2017


I am having a great time(as usual ) in Madison. Yesterday was the  social event of the season.... bounce house, bubbles, beach balls, bagels, croissants, muffins, coffee, babies, toddlers, preschoolers,
moms, dads, AND I think I was the only Grandma there. (yea!!!)
Weather was perfect, no injuries on the bounce house. I was the official bounce house exit slide bouncer.......feet first, 1 person at a time. The bouncer didn't have to bounce anyone from the bounce house.
Later that day we went to another birthday party....for Israel. Had hummus, got a henna tattoo and kissed a zebra who was getting ready to get on Noah's Ark. Wished him bon voyage.

Then out to dinner, home and a quick check of the birthday haul and then EVERYONE was exhausted, so off to sleep.