Sunday, October 8, 2017

I haven't posted a blog in a while. I have written several and deleted them quickly. The blogs were either stupid, not funny, not interesting or simply dumb. There were bird stories, insect stories, cute cat pictures, etc. I am tired of my own PD stories and talking and thinking PD 24/7. If I am sick of it, maybe you are too !!!!

So while I am away in Madison, I will take a mini hiatus from blogging.....unless I absolutely have to !!!!! (not supposed to be a grandma blog) I will also (try)  not to focus on PD . Rather I plan to rearrange all the furniture, change the landscaping, tell Jaime's teacher how to organize a kindergarten classroom, and what the best curriculum  is.

I will enjoy being Lola's grandma (just the 2 of us before our naptimes) and sharing secrets and books and music.

 I will NOT take anyone for  haircuts or adopt any pets.

Can't wait for WHATEVER !!!
