Friday, March 30, 2018

These are scenes from my sisters apartment in Phoenix Arizona.
Nice, huh? Came on Wednesday for a, relaxation , Passover. 
Yesterday we went to a shop in Cave Creek AZ....perfect for me !!!
Bought 2 little mementos....don't ask. They also had 2 life sized chimpanzees sitting on a park bench. I thought the shipping costs might be a bit costly.

Maybe will go to Goodwill today. You never know what may be there for me .
Trying new restaurants, enjoying rock formations and scenery (thinking about my front yard ). 

On the PD front, all okay. Traveling is tough but manageable.
Toe is healing slowly. Our hosts are generous and patient. No hurrying. Relaxed and Chill. Thanks Janice and Len.

More later !!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

So what is this? I stubbed my little toe (left foot), it was sooo painful and purple that I went to the DR. I was only able to get an appt with a PA (physicians asst). She said it was broken so I should tape it, ice it, stay off it.
I asked if there was a special shoe to wear. She 
said no. So I fashioned a "broken toe" shoe out of an old pair of sneakers. Kinda worked .

Eight days later ( this past Friday) my toe was still throbbing and bright red so I called the DR office again and this time spoke to my actual physician who said I should go get an Xray and go to the RightTime clinic. (It was Friday night) I did go and YES it was broken and they taped my toe and YES of course they had a shoe for me !!!

What does "stay off your feet" mean ?? I am trying to figure that out. I have tried NOT doing rock picking, landscaping, and furniture moving. Do I NOT go to PD exercise and yoga? Will the cats clean their own litter box ? Yet another WHATEVER thing!!! Day by day........

The GOOD news is that I have been using the carts that are at stores like Target that you drive 
yourself around .....I haven't hit anyone....but some of turns are tricky....Lots of fun exploring the whole store on wheels !!!

Beautiful day today. I will SIT  outside and use  binoculars to watch squirrels and birds and bunnies and ???

Til next time .......

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Long time since I wrote anything.....WHY ????
No reason. 
Everything is fine. A trip to Madison.
A trip to to Bethesda, Silver Spring, DC, Gaithersburg, and Potomac.
A few falls, bruises, broken bones
Some med changes
Restart physical therapy for balance issues
Continuing exercise and yoga classes

Good strong energetic moments and
Can't get off the couch days
Frustration and anxiety 
Confidence and power
PD (for me) has no rhyme reason or patterns
Whatever Whatever Forever

My neighbor asked last Thursday if I was excited about the upcoming wind storm given my fondness (obsession?) with yard work. Of course she was right!! Couldn't wait to get outside and start making piles of limbs and sticks.....
No loss of power or internet or cable
No damage

Thats all for now
Hope my readers are doing well (as I am) Really