Thursday, March 21, 2019

Good Bye Monkey

Today is a very sad day for the Tunis family because our beloved Monkey is now in kitty heaven with family and friends playing with toys and catnip and climbing trees and trying to catch squirrels  and birds. Monkey was an inside cat who always wanted to explore the great outdoors! Now she can ! 

One of my favorite books is Judith Viorst's The Tenth Good Thing About Barney (a family's cat died) Here's some good things about Monk
1. She never killed a bird or mouse or ate them.
2. Monkey always used her litter boxes ..always
3. Monkey loved tuna from Bagel City and chicken from Popeyes
4. Not a finicky eater, (like Morris). liked any brand, any kind,     canned or dry
5. made herself comfortable in any cardboard box, especially boxes that were a little too small
6. The top of the cat tree was her favorite perch
7. Meowed melodically
8. Monkey kept her figure svelte and toned
9. Always waited at the door to greet visitors (and try a daring escape)
10. Monkey was warm and soft and loving

We will miss Miss Monkey Business

taking a nap at the bird and squirrel watching window
Monkey is sharing a box with a monkey

Sunshine on her tummy made her happy


This is the Zen Cat area in the woods . Metal and wood cat sculpture..
little toy cats on rocks..changes displays weekly
Monkey always hoped to visit one day Now she can.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Todays PD subject will be  Falling....
up, down, sideways, backwards, and forwards.
I have fallen numerous times during my PD career, each fall slightly different from the previous one SO even though I try NOT to repeat the latest mishaps, I fall. 
I have fallen inside the house, (stairs and steps).
I fell in my classroom (tripped over a kid who was sitting on the floor).
Lots of tumbles in the backyard wooded areas as well as  the grass lawns.
I have 5 walkers, 4 canes, a wheelchair , 4 walking sticks, a knee walker, sturdy hiking boots, and 3 grabbers. Hand rails on stairways in the house. Enough gear to climb The Rockies or maybe Sugarloaf Mt.
I have fallen standing still.

So what do I do about falling ? Be aware, think ahead OR don't go anywhere ever. Sit on the couch all day (I fell off the couch one day reaching for the remote). Any ideas ? Let me know.