Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Now that I look at the picture I think I look SAD which I AM NOT !!! 

Perfectly happy,  but yes I am a little nervous. Why ??? Because for the 1st time in the 55 or so years that I have been picking  out what to wear.....I actually purchased shirts and pants.....that are the correct size  AND WORE THEM ALL DAY!!

Yes, it was weird for me. I kept checking any mirror I passed to see if I was fully clothed.

I graduated from MCPS in June 1968. The dress code for girls at that time was skirts or dresses only. Except of course the vile, hideous one piece GYM SUIT that you had to take home every Friday and bring back CLEAN on Monday. (my mother used to iron our gym  clothes). Hated skirts and matching sweaters (Villager and John Meyer).

BUT THEN in September 1968 MCPS abolished the DRESS CODE !!!! it was too late.

What does this random clothing blog have to do with Parkinsons ?
NOTHING , just tired of writing about random Parkinsons. You have heard it all.....dyskinesia, balance, tremors, and totally unexpected daily fluctuations despite drugs, acupuncture , is so WHATEVER.........

I will try to write more coherently next time
Maybe I shouldn't enjoy the side effects of MEDICAL reefers (as my father called it) and write at the same time.
