Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tripping with PD

I flew out or town this weekend and with a little planning the trip went smoothly. Here is what I suggest.....

1. Use a reliable car service or taxi or for the round trip to the airport. Then there's no worries about parking or unloading luggage etc.

2.When booking the flight chose the aisle seat.

3. Request a wheelchair (airlines will provide) from the curb to gate when booking the flight ,(can be done online).

4. Carry all meds (ALL!) with you. Don't pack them.

5. Bring on board ONLY what you need.....forget big books, newspapers, put laptops under your seat, keep yourself unencumbered.

6.Breathe, meditate, fantasize, dream.........I won't even suggest RELAX.......

7.Don't be afraid to ask for help even if you value your independence.

By the way, I am REALLY REALLY stopping the squirrel wars.....when the current supply of birdseed is used up I will  NOT buy any more until winter. You are on your own feathered friends and bushy tails.


Monday, March 21, 2016

My non motor aspects of PD or not

I like to collect things. Always have, always will. When I was a kid it was dolls and stuffed monkeys. (all the small monkeys were Curious George because George was not yet marketed as a toy (1975) and the big one, my favorite, was Zippy the chimp, who was my child. I also loved a candy called Chocolate Babies which was like a Tootsie Roll that look like a tiny baby. I would play with them, put them in a tissue bed, and then eat them in the morning !!!!!!

Early sign of PD OCD ? Maybe ....I think not .....but as I got older and had income I did continue to collect things and was able to use my job (teacher of young children) to incorporate appropriately some of the items (paired with books, as a learning center, matching letters and sounds) When the Beanie Baby fad was over and done (never bought one during the BB mania)  I used to buy them and give them to the kids at school on our initial home visits (to keep) and again in "Story Kits" (I put together about 50) . Now that I am retired I share my teaching materials with teacher friends and OF COURSE my granddaughter . (Just sent her the book of Angelina Ballerina and a BB mouse.)

If I didn't have PD I wouldn't even think of OCD . I like to collect stuff (neatly displayed and  frequently changed like a museum.) I like to sort and organize household items (like my sister). I like crossword puzzles and Jeopardy (like my mother). I love going outside and moving rocks, pulling weeds, removing dead branches (like my father). I love singing (like my kids)

As mon ami Jean Valjean sang "Who Am I ?" I am Diane Tunis


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

my first attempt at adding pics....The first one is the sunrise from last week (before DST)
The second ones are the CATS (from PD plus CATS) Monkey and Lilywhite and the bottom picture is PART of the bird/squirrel/cat thing I do...If this works I will eventually send a pic of the squirrel habitat, the rest of cat sculptures and bird feeders.
What do you think?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


HI friends and family,

Been awhile since I wrote, been busy having fun with the squirrels and bird feeders. I have conceded victory so now I am having fun trying out homemade squirrel feeders, their own feeding area, a scenic new view for both squirrels and birds, Everyone is happy.

Speaking of happy, I have been enjoying life  this week. I used to spend literally hours every morning in spring and summer in the backyard clearing brush, making rock paths, constructing a zen garden dedicated to cats......I can't do that anymore because the backyard is not level and unsafe so little by little I moved some slate pieces and rocks to the front yard. (Official Squirrel World) I have moved my cat statues to the deck which is officially Bird world. Now I can move objects and feeders and whatever I want in a safer environment .

Next item on the happy list is that I am going to the Apple Store tomorrow so I can learn how to put pictures on this blog ......birds, squirrels, family? friends,my collections.??

Last but not least, PD has given me the opportunity to meet people (with and without PD) through the  exercise/yoga classes offered by the Parkinsons Foundation of DC (look them up on line) and the JCC.....all the teachers are excellent and enthusiastic.....Kim, Sandy and Amy......and the people I have meet......men, women, those with obvious challenges, those folks that I wonder why they are there. Friendly and funny and a pleasure to spend an hour with a few times a week. And there are weird and random meetings of PD people who meet and connect at a store or shopping center.
Such fun !!!!

Whatever !!!              

Friday, March 4, 2016

Done with the squirrel/bird project

The final outcome of the bird / squirrel  "thing".....the winner is !!!!! Mother Nature !!!!!! The other day wind gusts were around 40mph and kinda wrecked the delicate ecosystem balance I had created.
Now, as of 10:30 this am  I have 3 areas on the deck. One is for the friendly industrious little gray friends.....plastic liter bottles with cheap(er) bird seed and apple cores . They seem happy.

Then there are 2 birds only feeding "stations".Those hanging feeders are filled with shelled seeds, seeds that have pepper and other squirrel deterring flavors ( not birds) . Thats it. Que sera sera.

When I figure out how to post pictures on this blog I will show you what they look like.

Haven't yet decided on a new project........spring is coming......maybe planting vegetables (that should bring many other unwanted critters....bunnies, chipmunks, deer !!!!)

Are squirrels gray or grey ?

whatever !!!!!