Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tripping with PD

I flew out or town this weekend and with a little planning the trip went smoothly. Here is what I suggest.....

1. Use a reliable car service or taxi or for the round trip to the airport. Then there's no worries about parking or unloading luggage etc.

2.When booking the flight chose the aisle seat.

3. Request a wheelchair (airlines will provide) from the curb to gate when booking the flight ,(can be done online).

4. Carry all meds (ALL!) with you. Don't pack them.

5. Bring on board ONLY what you need.....forget big books, newspapers, put laptops under your seat, keep yourself unencumbered.

6.Breathe, meditate, fantasize, dream.........I won't even suggest RELAX.......

7.Don't be afraid to ask for help even if you value your independence.

By the way, I am REALLY REALLY stopping the squirrel wars.....when the current supply of birdseed is used up I will  NOT buy any more until winter. You are on your own feathered friends and bushy tails.


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