Friday, May 27, 2016

get a life

When I started watching Sgt. Preston of the Yukon on TV this morning  I knew it was time to get a grip and get off the couch (Sgt Preston was a show from the late 1950s). So today I went to Whole Foods and even though my leg pain was MAJOR I made it through the store..... pushing a grocery carts  is helpful, parking at WF is easy.......

My new plan is to go to one activity everyday outside of the house.
Since my leg hurts whenever I walk or stand I will keep moving and periodically take a break. I have had enough TV game shows, coloring books, pain killers that do nothing, and will use my cane and walker if necessary.Back to exercise and yoga.

I have an appt with a neurosurgeon to review my MRI and see his recommendations on the scheduled nerve block.

Enjoy the holiday weekend.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

alien invasion

MAY 22

invaded by some alien baddie......not PD or calcaneal or hip thing . Old fashioned SUPER pain in my upper left leg  (thigh sort moves) Docs trying to figure it out...xrays, MRI, cortisone, percocet, tylenol, steroids....the works.No improvements yet, but hope something gets figured out this week. Missing exercise classes and pD friends (sad) but enjoying visits from out of town friends and family....particularly those who "get me" and my need to move rocks and go to estate sales and watch Pickers and old TV game shows!!!!

Keeping busy playing word games on line, curative coloring, and minor (very minor) household chores like kitty litter clean up and fur removal.

When I am walking again with reduction of pain I want to go to visit new baby Lola ( and big sister Jaime)in Wisconsin...what more incentive do I need????!!!!!

I plan to share better news later this week (I am 
sure) ......Willing to try phys Therapy acupuncture,reflexology, illegal inhalants, massage,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Rain, Pain. Gain


GAIN : in case you didn't hear , there is a new Tunis !!!! LOLA TUNIS , born May 4th, 2016. She is perfect, as is sister Jaime, and parents Michelle and Jeremy.(look on Michelle and Jeremy's facebook for pics)

RAIN: will it ever stop????

PAIN: Now I have been diagnosed (after sudden onset of pain last week) with hip trochanteric bursitis- combo of traumas, hip replacement, calcaneal break, PD, unbalance walking, you name it and I got it.


in order of importance.............
new baby
new baby
new baby


Monday, May 2, 2016

May quick updates

Monday May 2

A weekend trip to Madison to see Jeremy, Michelle and Jaime before the new baby girl arrives sometime this week ! PD PLUS !! wheelchair for long walks in the airport .....nice convenience (and necessary)

AND Sammy Tunis" Off Broadway Musical FUTURITY (which had a long run last fall in NY) WON WON WON a prodigious award last night . It is the Lucille Lortel Awards for Off Broadway productions. Look it up !!!!

Now back home for gardening, rocks, maybe planting something useful  "plants for PD."
Any suggestions ????

have a safe week !!!!!