Sunday, May 22, 2016

alien invasion

MAY 22

invaded by some alien baddie......not PD or calcaneal or hip thing . Old fashioned SUPER pain in my upper left leg  (thigh sort moves) Docs trying to figure it out...xrays, MRI, cortisone, percocet, tylenol, steroids....the works.No improvements yet, but hope something gets figured out this week. Missing exercise classes and pD friends (sad) but enjoying visits from out of town friends and family....particularly those who "get me" and my need to move rocks and go to estate sales and watch Pickers and old TV game shows!!!!

Keeping busy playing word games on line, curative coloring, and minor (very minor) household chores like kitty litter clean up and fur removal.

When I am walking again with reduction of pain I want to go to visit new baby Lola ( and big sister Jaime)in Wisconsin...what more incentive do I need????!!!!!

I plan to share better news later this week (I am 
sure) ......Willing to try phys Therapy acupuncture,reflexology, illegal inhalants, massage,


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