Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Its Tuesday and its hot already. Here is a follow up to the last post.

1. The cannibus (MJ) comes in the form of a nasty tasting oil that you put under your tongue. It aint the Age of Aquarius ......still assessing its effect. The literature says that some users find a decrease in appetite.....ah, NO !!!!!

2. It was so hot last week I actually wore a pair of shorts.

3. Got antibiotics for the tick......

4. I am always looking for excuses for my weight gain.....have yet to find any research linking PD and need for peanut M and Ms

5. Word Wipe is an obsessive addicting word game on line....fun and I could play all day....

6. YEA!!! get to be granny and MIL soon ....(in person ! going to Madison end of the month)

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pdpluscats@blogspot.com once or twice a week...If you WANT alerts, let me know at dianegtunis@gmail.com


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update and so happy you got that tick thing squared away. They are nasty little things.
