Sunday, April 30, 2017

Jaime says "HIDE LOLA !!Grandma's coming back "

I'm returning to Madison this week for Lola's 1st birthday celebration. Can't wait for the party. I hear that Ringling Brothers Circus is shutting down so maybe they are available for Lola's party !!!

Since many family members have May birthdays  I sent them my thoughts about sharing a birthday....

Ever hear of cluster headaches?
How about cluster BIRTHDAY???

Sharing the day with other people
Might be fun for a while
But lets be honest we all want to STAR 
once a year
one name only on the cake
Accolades, honors gifts to take

Happy Birthday Len
Happy Birthday Janice
Happy Birthday Sara 
Happy Birthday Lola

(and the Nov-Dec cluster,  Brian, Sammy, and Jaime says 
our turn soon !!)

More to come from Madison 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Back at home after a great time in negatives to report. I didn't fall, and I  had NO pain (okay maybe a little). I could stand up from the couch holding 1 year old Lola, carry her on the stairs (only 1X), go to school with Jaime as "Grandma" although Jaime thought the other kids should call me Mrs. Tunis. I did not try to change anything in the classroom or take over from her 2 wonderful teachers.They said I could come back anytime.

No surprise that Jaime is a talker who knows everything and is more than willing to share thoughts, opinions, ideas, and has an extensive vocabulary. (Kinda like Jeremy WAS and is). Lola is loving and sweet and despite a quick trip to the ER (everything is fine no worries folks) was easy to calm down with my singing "Soft  kitty warm kitty" (from Big Bang) !!!! The look on Lola's face when she saw Michelle (after 3 days away) was the sheer joy (and probably relief) .

I spent my off time with bird feeders, rocks and toy sorting (the usual). I tried to put together a Lego kit designed for 5 to 12 year olds....not even close. Couldn't figure out how to open the glue for the kitty pillow kit (ages 4 and above). So I stuck to reading books, and playing letter games with Jaime and watching Lola figure out  
baby toys. Perfect.

Can't wait to return.
Grandma, Mom, Diane and Mrs. Tunis (on the swing with Poppy pushing me)

Monday, April 17, 2017

Getting ready for a trip to Madison WI tomorrow for a few days to visit Jaime and Lola. Got my pills packed and ready to go !!!

Updates .....went for an epidural Friday and it seems there is a lessoning of pain in the lower right back area. I will take that for as long as it lasts !!!!! I will try (no promises) NOT to move furniture in Madison or rebuild stone walkways and stone walls.......

Last week in the Washington Post John Kelly (columnist is the Metro section) wrote about squirrels .......their ingenuity, cleverness, and yes, cuteness so once again I declare a truce....There was an interesting story about Ben Franklin and a special squirrel friend . (and you thought I was a little weird)

Blogging will continue from the home of the midwest Tunis estate.


Friday, April 7, 2017

TGIF Readers and Friends and Family

NO HIGHS this week.....just bummer return of sciatica .....been dealing with the stupid L-5 disc since 1980. (Thanks to Dad for sharing)) Had surgery and in the ensuing years flare ups. So once again I have something other than PD  to moan about. I've been taking steroids, pain killers, heat, ice, lidocaine patches, and of course the always reliable wine and weed. May go for epidural next week if needed.

This photo is from a friend who knows I like images and ideas that are slightly "off" and this pic fits. NOT "like a fish out of water"(obvious distress) BUT rather "like a duck in a tree"which is not the usual place we see a duck. (duh)

Not sure what it all means PD wise but kinda like with PD there are times when the sense of life isn't quite right....where should I be?
The tree is okay but not natural. 


Monday, April 3, 2017

One of my favorite retirement activities is composing books for the next generation of (hopefully) readers. I say "compose " because the stories and ideas come from photos sent to me from family (many many thanks to photographers for sharing their talents)
The kids (Oscar, Jaime, and Lola) are always the main characters in their books. The critics ( the kids) have given rave  reviews (so say their parents). I guess you can take me out of an educational setting (school) but I HAVE to keep teaching .....Lucky for me I was an early childhood teacher so I am in my comfort zone (I taught PreK through 3rd grade) BUT I am in trouble as an author when they hit 9 years old . Or sooner. And they have already surpassed me, etc.
You can easily make your own. All you need is a blank book (Amazon), a printer, pictures, and tons of scotch tape or glue.Old magazines, books for cutting up, and internet for specific subjects (dogs, cats, castles, cars, dolls)
It is an activity that I can do rain or shine, standing or sitting, no PD  
problems to deal with. (or copyright or publishing laws I hope)

Happy Passover or Easter or spring or WHATEVER