Getting ready for a trip to Madison WI tomorrow for a few days to visit Jaime and Lola. Got my pills packed and ready to go !!!
Updates .....went for an epidural Friday and it seems there is a lessoning of pain in the lower right back area. I will take that for as long as it lasts !!!!! I will try (no promises) NOT to move furniture in Madison or rebuild stone walkways and stone walls.......
Last week in the Washington Post John Kelly (columnist is the Metro section) wrote about squirrels .......their ingenuity, cleverness, and yes, cuteness so once again I declare a truce....There was an interesting story about Ben Franklin and a special squirrel friend . (and you thought I was a little weird)
Blogging will continue from the home of the midwest Tunis estate.
Safe travels! HOPE is the grandchildren magic works again and the pain disappears. Hugs to all.