Monday, September 11, 2017

Nature in MY news....(we know what is in the real world / USA)....
The bird seed store guy said it was time to clean out the birdhouses. I have 4 hanging houses around the yard. 3 are decorative (but useable ) and the one on top in the picture is a plain pine house. And of course the only one with nesting material was the non decorative one. 

 Inside I found grass, twigs, fur, feathers, dirt and only the birds know what else. I actually was excited to see what was inside. Remember, I am retired....its the little things that count.
                                          This blog is PDpluscats. Here are my 2 cats. White likes cushy soft spots. Monkey follows the sun.

The next part of my story is about PD and the mall. (Montgomery). I had to go to the
Apple store. I brought my walker thinking
it would get people to steer clear of the old lady (me). Didn't. So here begins my rant about lack of amenities for anyone using a device with wheels....stroller, wheelchair, walker.
1. not enough handicapped parking
2. entrances with automatic door openers....????
3. ELEVATORS ??? I know theres 1 in Macys and 1 in Nordstrom.
 Used to be an elevator smack in the middle of the mall. NOT now.  
4. Okay done ranting. Get over it. Shop online.

My relatives in Florida ( in their 90's) are fine. 
Redskins stink.
Yoga and exercise mandatory / essential for mind and body .

I think thats it


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