Wednesday, January 13, 2016

This is a PD plus DOGS (sorry girls) story.

Yesterday I went to NIH clinical trials BLDG 10 for a follow up to a study that I participated in several years ago  ( identifying that I indeed have the LRRK 2 PD gene). What else can I do for the good of humankind ?

Lots of neurological tests.....walking, balancing, memory, etc AND also a scratch and sniff test.
Like the kids stickers you scratch and sniff EXCEPT,  that you have 4 choices of scents such as
"licorice, gingerbread, strawberry, gasoline" to choose from. COULDN'T DO IT  !!! STUMPED !!!! NO WAY !!! There were 30 different scents.

I got a few.....banana, ashes, chocolate, but that's about it !!! Loss of smell is sometimes a PD issue, but this was ridiculous !!!


To the rescue HUDSON KLEINER (Rhonda's intelligent and beautiful Gordon Setter) who yesterday, despite the cold hard ground dug up a bone she had buried 2 years ago (yes, same bone)

Hudson will now be my official  SMELLING NOSE DOG  !!!!   (get it ? seeing eye? smelling nose?)  when I need to find where I hid M and M's from the public.


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