Saturday, January 16, 2016

TV remote

I think that the most important electronic convenience in the house is the TV REMOTE. When alone you can watch like 10 things at the same time, fast forward, record, stop a show to go to the bathroom, make the volume as loud or soft as you want, AND you never have to get off the couch.

Even if you are "sharing" the remote with another human, there are many opportunities  for practicing negotiation skills (you get 30 minutes, I get 30 minutes).  Creativity when no agreement or compromise can be reached is a great activity too. Hiding the remote is always amusing (to the hider)
Under a cushion or newspaper recycling pile or in your pants all work well.

Anger release is another benefit of a remote control such as
1. that show is stupid idiotic insulting
2. you've seen that episode a 1000 times ...try something new for a change
3. what else is on /whats coming on/ just pass it for a sec
(nothing personal, just about TV)

You could always leave the room and go to one of the TVs in the house, BUT sometimes......
ya know...........


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