Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15th 2017

This monkey mug pretty much sums up the past week.....the good, the bad, and the kinda ugly !!
Lets start with the good list:

*Saw my PT Jenny and she says I am doing pretty well and once a week balance training will complement the 2x a week YOGA at the JCC and 2x a week PD exercise class at St. Marks Church.
(no you don't have to be Jewish or Christian to attend either class) Many thanks to teachers Amy and Kim who apparently know what they are doing !!!!!
*The church exercise group has formed a support group that will meet once a month. So far (1st meeting) I am the only woman. It is interesting for me to hear men talking about PD. Up until now my personal and family PD experience has been with women only.
*The monkey mug was on sale.
* The strong winds have blown a million sticks and limbs all over the yard. Love picking and piling them up !!!
Now for the bad:
 *I had a one and a half (1 1/2 ) hour MRI yesterday (routine) .The tech asked me to try not move. I wanted (but didn't) to scream                    " you idiot I have a movement disorder"
*My toe hurts and my shoes don't feel right.
*NEW bathroom shower leaks
*Starting to NOT be able to read my own writing
The ugly:
Donald Trump

1 comment:

  1. Diane, I'd like to join the support group you mentioned.Can you email the details to me @ Thanks!
