Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 7th  back in N.Bethesda Md.

Which one of these pictures do you think is the real piece of art (sculpture) Sammy and I saw this past weekend at the Whitney Museum ?
Hard to tell isn't it ?
I spent a few days in Williamsburg Brooklyn visiting Sammy and Sara and Brian and Emma AND ta-da OSCAR, the smartest cutest adorablest grandnephew in the world.He was given the task of passing out the cookies I brought for dessert.Oscar choose the one with the most chocolate chips on top. Again, brilliant.

Today I spent the day following up after my 3 hour neurologist visit on Monday .Made appt with Community Radiology for updated brain scans. Made an appt with National Rehab for refresher PT. Then an appt with Lab Corps for blood work. Then Medicare to clear up why ??? I am having all this done (not workmens comp).
I can't imagine what people have to go through if there are multiple medical issues.Luck I have only one. It's like a full time ...okay part time...job handling all that goes on in 'retirement '...not complaining, just commenting.

1 comment:

  1. Busy and happy lady, exactly what I expect of my dearest friend. We're in NC having a great time with family. Pictures soon as well as a very special announcement.
