Sunday, June 4, 2017

It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon in June....75* sunny.
So why am I inside writing ?

Because the last 2 weeks have been very busy with visiting friends from England and California and since they have been here before there was no need to do a whole DC tourist tour.

We laughed a lot (A LOT), relaxed, behaved appropriately, (kinda) and generally trashed Trump from am to pm shocked by his sheer lack of a BRAIN. We all loved the ad for Va. governor. The candidate called Trump " a narcissistic maniac".

So since I so enjoyed the last 2 weeks I now seem to have little energy to go food shopping and gas and usual stuff. I did manage early this morning to move some furniture ( 3 little tables), rearrange a few rocks, put away clean laundry and eat a couple of M & Ms. But there is a lot of time watching birds, squirrels , chipmunks and baby bunnies from my chair and listening to music.
I think (not sure) that maybe this thing ( ???) is called BALANCE
BALANCE  BALANCE.  So what if I aspire to peace and health and also be a semi-narcissitic optimist ?????

When I remember how to add pictures I will post some. They will be humorous and true .

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