Saturday, June 17, 2017

Yesterday in my backyard the orange day lilies bloomed. My mother Lola Galin used to tell us that when the lilies bloomed it was time to go to camp. I checked the camp calendar (Timber Ridge ....White Mountain and Green Briar where we went as kids) and sure enough camp starts today !!! 

Summer camp was NOT an option. My mother had gone to overnight camp from age 6 through college. She loved it and expected us to as well. My mother became the Md,Va, and DC camp representative...the camp lady to generations of local Jewish kids. Lola took her responsibilities very seriously and worked for the camp for 30+ years.

Our cousins and friends went to camp when we did. We (Janice and I) sent our kids to camp. For some of us the camp experience was not unlike a POW camp...incarceration and torture. For others of us we made life long friends and had experiences that were
amazing and memorable. (no details) 

Our fantastic  PD exercise guru and leader KIM came to class with a huge bruise on her face as a result of a fall. (She tripped over a garden hose).While I feel her pain (literally), I welcome Kim to the "I've fallen BUT I CAN get up" club. No new members welcome.

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Laughter accompanies my reading of your posts. Keep the funnies coming, dear friend.

  2. Dear Diane, I think every day you are growing stronger and stronger and sassy as hell ! You are one funny lady ! I loved the picture of you and Dr. Pagan. He surely is trying to not only help us, but come up with a cure. Yours truely, still having Mucus attacks. I keep wondering where all this Mucus comes from? I don't eat or drink dairy. The same with sugar. I am puzzled at this mystery, which I wish I could solve. Anyhow, keep on smiling and being positive ! Love,ya kid ! Pam
