Wednesday, August 29, 2018

 Trying to keep cool on August 29th even though its almost 100 degrees. Noticed something in the garden today....CORN growing !!! I think it was part of the birdseed (or bird droppings?) . I picked it, shuck it and sure enough it was an actual ear of corn.....tiny, but hey...Don't think I'll cook it.

Also found a huge mushroom...kinda pretty but I think its poisonous.

Speaking of poison, I continue to withdraw (slowly) from the opioids (and surgery discomfort) with the aid of ACUPUNCTURE (amazing) and physical therapy. And Parkinsons exercise classes.
I still don't have an appetite (kinda yea !!), some nausea and some random sweating attacks. No longer drink coffee in the morning (yuck) or drink wine in the taste for it. (yet)

I am ready and waiting for cooler weather , the Holidays (Jewish) and maybe maybe getting back to "my normal". 
See ya'll soon.


  1. Perseverance is your slogan (after "whatever").These last months of summer are always brutal for me, too. I know my discomfort is mild compared to what you have endured. See you in October. We will be in DC on the 19th, staying in Gaithersburg.

  2. Diane, terrible mucus and swallowing problem. Must tell Dr. Pagan. Very unusual. Donated from my IRA account funds for Dr. P and Dr. m research. Will see Dr/.p in a week where I can tell him all these strange problems. We have daily 2 liters of mucus, however we PD's forget to swallow, therfore a build up. My husband tells me to swaloow and continue to swallow with the Speech therapist techniques. However, I get a rush or attck during the day. I am trying to fiqure it out. i believe it is a " GUT" problem. More mucus when i even suck on a sugarless candy.Drink sips of water all day long to swish away this GD mucus. I hope I can help others. In addition to this misery, i am still fund raising for clinical research for DR. P and Dr. M. They are close to a solution of medicine to help rid of some of PD. They attended a conference in Lyon, France and just came back. I have more to tell, but have to respond to some email, so people know I am ALIVE ! Yes, YEH, I am ALIVE in spite all MISERY ! Love, Pam
