Sunday, February 28, 2016


My subtalar arthritis pain seems (fingers crossed) to have abated to a degree that the pain is at its usual ever present dull but not disabling ache. Yea.

My latest obsession I mean passion (project) is trying to beat the squirrels at a game I will never win. Keeping them away from the bird feeders is my goal. It will never happen. I have tried (and continue)) different seeds, location of feeders, special squirrel treats, nasty tasting seed that squirrels hate but birds like,

I like squirrels . They are cute and smart and clever and industrious.

There must be some psychological term to describe someone (like me) who KNOWS the outcome (squirrels rule) but thinks it will maybe be different next time !!!!

dumb              optimistic
clueless           delusional
pathetic           hopeful

Hoping for a calm week for all.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

PLUS (part of the blogs name)

Last Thursday I woke up to searing pain in my left ankle and heel like I broke it overnight !!!! Was able to crawl to my walker (never too far away) .Could not put any weight at all on my left foot,  talked to physiatrist, neurologist, and made an appt with the orthopedist. Adjusted pain meds, rested my foot, elevated it with ice, and took it "easy".

At the orthopedist today he explained that I now have SUBTALAR ARTHRITIS , It is a result of the calcaneus fracture. Which is the result of the PD fall down the steps 13 months ago. Ergo it is PD plus.

I can still do everything I want and need to do. Like use the remote, drive, drink(not at the same time), the usual. So as always, WHATEVER.

PS.....never heard of the calcaneal bone or subtalar arthritis. Learning new words everyday !!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Some days I sleep until  6 am .Most mornings I am awake between 4 and 5. Before I put my feet on the floor I try to

 1. go back to sleep
 2. breathe, relax, meditate, and attempt to
 3. NOT angst, worry, think, fret,  or stress or obsess.

That works for about 15 minutes at best. So what does an early riser do at 4:30? Here is what I do when I am waiting for the newspapers to be delivered.

Load / unload dishwasher                                    Go through storage boxes
Laundry                                                                Yoga / exercise (DVDs) stretching
Clean litter boxes                                                  Groom cats / remove cat fur from couches
Shop on line ( not necessarily buy)                       File papers
Take daily meds                                                    Watch recorded TV shows
Write blog entries                                                 Trash, recycling
Creating/writing books for Jaime and Oscar        Email, text

My favorite activity is watching the sunrise. And the squirrels. And the birds. An occasional deer.
And my cats watching the birds thinking they might catch one some day. (they are strictly indoors, but they can dream!!!) Refill bird feeders. Watch the local and national news.

I'm not sure this is all PD related. As a teacher I always got to school early to set up the days activities (and move furniture). Now that I am retired I still follow a similar schedule, without a classroom so I do it at home. It's okay with me !!!!!

That's it. I've got to go and shovel some ice and slush !!!!!! I will be careful. I PROMISE !!!!!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016



Taking Rytary's
 a little scary
I'm  usually lightheaded and queasy

Yet some movements seem easy
like walking and balance

I must confess
Ankle pain is less
Neurontin  seems to be helping

I continue to be cautious and also nauseous
when driving and exercising and thinking
about  what time I took what pill SO
I write it down to keep it straight
I hope not too early or too late.......

Whatever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

update on meds change (if you don't have PD you might want to skip this post) or MAYBE you want to learn something

When you have PD you learn very quickly the names of medicines you never heard of and how effective they are on any given day (or hour).

Sinemet, azilect, celexa, neupro patch, and my newest addition Rytary. Rytary is a form of LDopa (sinemet) that should alleviate some of the problems I have with stability, balance and walking and sleeping.

So far so good. (3 days) Walking with bigger steps, (less shuffling), better sleep  (my goal is 5am), more stability (was walking in the backyard, started to go backwards but didn't fall). Not bad, huh?
I"ll take it as a positive.

Downside is  dystonia (look it up) . Not a biggie.
Now, can I get a prescription for a pill that curbs appetite, grows hair, makes you smarter?

Whatever !!!!!!


Thursday, February 4, 2016

PD and my mother

Today is my mother Lola's birthday. She would have been 94, if she hadn't died of complications of PD. Lola's mother, grandfather, and brother all had PD.That makes me 4th generation. Whatever.

My mother was independent, smart, and not one to ever give up despite many personal and family challenges.Now that I have PD, I think about her as a role model for dignity,  perseverance, and class. She exercised every AM, got dressed, had a healthy breakfast, (she felt cantaloupe was the secret to longevity and good health) read the newspaper, and completed the Washington Post and NYTimes crossword puzzles IN INK. She checked the Wed grocery prices and went to Safeway, Giant, and Magruders to insure wise (spending) choices. My mother played bridge weekly as well as volunteering at the White House Comments Office (Carter and Clinton) and attending  events at the Womens National Democratic Club and had a subscription for the Kennedy Center Symphony series. She excelled at Jeopardy She took care of her extended family (cousins, etc) and was the only Grandma to 4 grandkids. She drove the Beltway instead of EW Highway (too time consuming).

Up until her last short hospitalization, Lola was full of life. Despite her increasing disabilities, she continued to give my sister Janice and I ( almost) unconditional love. She never knew I would develop PD, (I am thankful for that) but she showed me how to  and LIVE with PD.

We love you and miss you everyday . Happy Birthday MOM

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

PD mostly

Had my quarterly neurology appt with the world famous Dr. Pagan and his faithful companion Barbara W yesterday. As usual I was a total mess for about 5 days before the appt, in the form of headaches, teeth aches, upset stomach. Another case of IS IT PD? ANXIETY? VIRUS? 

The consensus was some med changes that could improve balance and walking, maybe relieve some ankle pain with more stability , will try it for about a month and see. New drugs (drug company issues and funding.)....not yet.

Don't worry.....still moving furniture, books, knick knacks, bird feeders, cat trees, small kitchen appliances, winter hats and boots (thanks for an early spring Phil) and just about an object not nailed down, a nail would stop me .........

Saw a deer (young one) in the back yard this morning , a sure sign of spring. Now another deer (larger) walked by the front window just a minute ago. I know NOTHING about wildlife but interesting to watch here in Nerdville.

you know