Sunday, February 28, 2016


My subtalar arthritis pain seems (fingers crossed) to have abated to a degree that the pain is at its usual ever present dull but not disabling ache. Yea.

My latest obsession I mean passion (project) is trying to beat the squirrels at a game I will never win. Keeping them away from the bird feeders is my goal. It will never happen. I have tried (and continue)) different seeds, location of feeders, special squirrel treats, nasty tasting seed that squirrels hate but birds like,

I like squirrels . They are cute and smart and clever and industrious.

There must be some psychological term to describe someone (like me) who KNOWS the outcome (squirrels rule) but thinks it will maybe be different next time !!!!

dumb              optimistic
clueless           delusional
pathetic           hopeful

Hoping for a calm week for all.


  1. Sooo happy you have some relief!!!! Also, not sure if you knew but my dad had a pet squirrel for a little bit. 😃

  2. I have a lot of respect for squirrels getting their chow on.

  3. I have a lot of respect for squirrels getting their chow on.
