Last Thursday I woke up to searing pain in my left ankle and heel like I broke it overnight !!!! Was able to crawl to my walker (never too far away) .Could not put any weight at all on my left foot, talked to physiatrist, neurologist, and made an appt with the orthopedist. Adjusted pain meds, rested my foot, elevated it with ice, and took it "easy".
At the orthopedist today he explained that I now have SUBTALAR ARTHRITIS , It is a result of the calcaneus fracture. Which is the result of the PD fall down the steps 13 months ago. Ergo it is PD plus.
I can still do everything I want and need to do. Like use the remote, drive, drink(not at the same time), the usual. So as always, WHATEVER.
PS.....never heard of the calcaneal bone or subtalar arthritis. Learning new words everyday !!!
Does this mean our trip to the Grand Canyon is on-hold? Ha, I couldn't even sit on a mule at this point!! Love you, but not you being in pain. CC