Thursday, February 4, 2016

PD and my mother

Today is my mother Lola's birthday. She would have been 94, if she hadn't died of complications of PD. Lola's mother, grandfather, and brother all had PD.That makes me 4th generation. Whatever.

My mother was independent, smart, and not one to ever give up despite many personal and family challenges.Now that I have PD, I think about her as a role model for dignity,  perseverance, and class. She exercised every AM, got dressed, had a healthy breakfast, (she felt cantaloupe was the secret to longevity and good health) read the newspaper, and completed the Washington Post and NYTimes crossword puzzles IN INK. She checked the Wed grocery prices and went to Safeway, Giant, and Magruders to insure wise (spending) choices. My mother played bridge weekly as well as volunteering at the White House Comments Office (Carter and Clinton) and attending  events at the Womens National Democratic Club and had a subscription for the Kennedy Center Symphony series. She excelled at Jeopardy She took care of her extended family (cousins, etc) and was the only Grandma to 4 grandkids. She drove the Beltway instead of EW Highway (too time consuming).

Up until her last short hospitalization, Lola was full of life. Despite her increasing disabilities, she continued to give my sister Janice and I ( almost) unconditional love. She never knew I would develop PD, (I am thankful for that) but she showed me how to  and LIVE with PD.

We love you and miss you everyday . Happy Birthday MOM


  1. What a beautiful tribute to a great lady!

  2. Lola and I share the month and day for our birthday so I am blessed to have some of her same characteristics, not to include crossword puzzles in ink. I always appreciated the closeness that the Galin women share. Great memories, DGT!
