Saturday, March 18, 2017

The ice preserved the daffodils very well. Apparently not so the cherry blossoms. Lets blame Trump.

A VERY WEIRD cosmic karma event happened to me last week. My friend Rhonda and I took a drive to Georgetown and I was reminiscing about when I was in junior high my friend Rita and I used to take the bus to Georgetown to "shop.".... because our ultra sophisticated and cool French teacher Miss Murphy got her hair done in Georgetown. Major student-teacher crush

The NEXT day I received an email from .......yes......Rita !!! We had not communicated in years. She had recently come across some letters we used to write to each other, mostly during math class, about anything and everything....Rita mailed me one of the letters today and it reads very much like one (or any) of my blogs, the only difference in that instead of photos I drew lots of little pictures. Drawings of other kids, the teachers with labels (lumpy Lemanski, and manly Mattes the pe teacher) . Amazing to me is how little I have changed !!!!! in the note there are lots of references to how fat I weight at the time was MAYBE 138. And it was fairly entertaining.....I think I still am.

Diane Galin
Eastern Jr. High
Silver Spring md
1962 or 1963

1 comment:

  1. The only thing that's changed about all of us is the physical aging of our bodies. We're still kick-ass mentally.
