These pictures are me and my Zippy and Rita and her Zippy. We each still have our Zippys . No,we didn't bring them to school with us. But a life long connection between me and monkeys (technically chimps) and me and friends is priceless and exciting !! !
And then yesterday I heard from another friend I hadn't communicated with in quite a while....(I knew some stuff because of Facebook) and when we spoke it was like it was 1987 (when we met a summer camp as adult division leaders.) Fran and have both been through a lot but can laugh like we both are thinking WHATEVER or WTF !!!!!!!!!
I have made life long friends in each decade of my life...1950s my sister Janice, 1960s Rita, 1970s Carol, 1980s Fran, 1990s Rhonda, Fredda, Arona and if I forgot you lets blame it on PD. I meet new friendly interesting people all the time but names often escape my short term memory bytes.(very disturbing to forget so much)
I went to the Apple Store for a class about photos.
Don't remember much.
Gotta go. Jeopardy is on.
So happy to be on the list of accomplished women who are also your friend.