Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The pool at the JCC looked very inviting and safe....railings for holding on.....shallow end for walking in the water. I went after yoga on Monday when the camp kids had left. Yes, I put on a bathing suit. Lots of old ladies (like me) walking around the locker room naked so I lost my self consciousness quickly and proceeded to the pool. I used the ramp to enter the pool. 

The pool water was a perfect temperature . I let go of the railing and then the STRANGEST feeling came over me. I felt like there was strong undertow pulling me away from the edge of the pool and it was all I could do to get back to the railing. It made NO sense. I tried it again and same sensation came over me. I then just held onto the railing and tried to relax and float in 2 feet of water but no go. I got out of the water thinking NOT 'whatever' BUT what the fuck ???? I have no fear of water and have been a swimmer my whole life. Is it PD???
To be continued.............

Yesterday I went to Target with 2 friends and with their encouragement I tried for the 1st time to "drive" around the store. It was, easy to maneuver, didn't hit anyone, started zooming around like a crazy lady!!!!
Thanks Rhonda and Fredda for your willingness to put yourselves  
in harms way to make life easier for me !!!!!

As always


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Back to PD Plus and Monkey and White resting on the couch with an empty ice cream bowl on the table...probably watching Jeopardy ....

It has been SOO HOT here in Md, that I did something I rarely do and that is wear a sleeveless top. Just to exercise class.Then I remembered that I needed something from Kosher Mart. So I went inside and there was a woman and man shopping and the woman says to me "Oh, I see you are wearing patches on your you have Alzheimers? " I say No, Parkinson's . She says No, that little one is for Alzheimers. SO of course the second I get home I read the little patch info and sure enough it is recommended for both Alzheimers and PD to enhance memory.....I should have started years ago.
I won't be wearing sleeveless until the next 100+ day.

Keeping busy indoors by of course moving furniture, playing Word Wipe on line, going to yoga and exercise (indoors ) NO weed pulling or rock moving outside.....indoor weed only.....


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The wonderful visit with Jeremy Michelle Jaime and Lola is now just a  happy memory.....

Lola was very disrespectful (which means smarter and more clever than Grandma) in that she totally ignored my attempts to baby proof the house. Lola went for objects that I had not considered... every drawer, knob, and door that could be opened and closed. Anything with 'buttons'....remotes, cell phones, computers, TV, disc player. She found bits of crunchy cat food hiding on the floor. Yucky. She can reach and stretch anywhere and everywhere.

Jaime was equally clever and creative. Funny and sassy. Knows everything and somewhat frustrated at Grandma's forgetfulness (real or pretend) . Loves stories about when Grandma was a teacher (Roger and Evelyn are her favorite kids). Almost rides a 2 wheeler. Displeased with her new shoes. Such a comedian ! So ready for either Kindergarten or maybe 5th grade.

I"ll be entering 'rehab' later today. It will include yoga, exercise, and wine. All day Law and Order . Should return to normal in 24-36 hours. 


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Good Morning

I've been up since 4 am....that is correct... I said 4 am. I would to officially like to blame it on Parkinson's. There are many PWPD (people with PD) who have  sleep issues...too little, too much, can't fall asleep, stay asleep, whatever. When I am excited about an upcoming event I tend to wake up WAY to early. (not PD) I organize , clean, sort, move objects, baby and child proof the house/yard/car and I enjoy every moment of the prep .

BIG EVENT is that Wednesday evening Sammy, Jeremy, Michelle, Jaime and Lola ARE COMING (home) to visit. I have turned our den into the "Tunis preschool and kindergarten Grandma loves you so much " area!! Rooms assigned and clean, specialty cuisine purchased, and Monkey and White promised no biting or hissing.


NO birdfeeders or seeds (till winter) SO only a few birds (mostly robins), some squirrels, a couple of bunnies, 2 deer and 1 snake. I miss the colorful song birds.

Walker vs. poles ??? the walker gets in my way, it's annoying getting it in and out of the car, sidewalks and parking lots have dips and cracks and are often uneven. The poles DO help me keep my balance in the yard and woods and if I am out in public then I could  use them as a WEAPON if necessary !!! (only kidding..maybe)

Still going strong with finding uses for DUCK TAPE !!!
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't .

I went to the JCC pool on Sunday with Janice, Brian and Oscar. They enjoyed swimming in the water and I enjoyed watching them.
I also watched the people (adults). I was silently criticizing their sizes, shapes, hair, parenting skills, cell phone usage, eating, physical agility, and general appearance . (I did NOT know anybody).    (the Glick/Downies looked perfect)                         

So this week if I choose to put on a bathing suit I hope I will be able to keep my attention on the kids and enjoy the cool water  (its supposed to reach 100 this week) and not angst about my size, shape, hair, physical agility and general appearance. There will be no photos, but here's what I'll be wearing...SEE YA !!!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Last night's final Jeopardy  GOT IT  !!!  Answer that has a "great green room" in it ....Question ..What is Good Night Moon?

I've been watching this show since Art Fleming was host in the 60's

Now that I have walking sticks to navigate the backyard I am venturing out again. A couple of days ago I saw a black snake slithering into the woods.
          Then later that day I ventured further back in the woods and found what I hope is a mushroom  or ???
Can't wait to see what else I will find!! Dinosaur bones ? Jimmy Hoffa? Amelia Earhart ?


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Don't forget that this blog is about PD and cats ....Lily White thinks this circus tent is a great spot for quiet meditation. 
Got the tent at a garage sale. I still enjoy going to estate and garage sales. Now they are all listed on line, usually with pictures and directions to the sale. For me no apts, townhouses, long driveways or warnings about where NOT to park (like near the sale) There is usually at least one  I want to go to  each week but for various reasons, don't. .What do I buy ? bird houses, doll houses, interesting monkeys, small tables, little shelves, books, pottery, lawn stuff, lamps, and you know....whatever catches my attention !! Usual cost $ 5-$25 .....I spare no expense.

My pal Arona shared with me that her mom like to decorate her walker with duck (duct) tape. I think I'm ready to start given that I already have at least 10 rolls. I'll be looking at Michaels for more exotic designs ...I think there is a tie dyed tape. I guess I will be looking for more walkers at next weeks estate sales. Then I will be ready for holidays and seasons and moods,
(this was the PD part of the blog)

Karma experience today at a garage sale. I noticed that an older man (it was the grandpa of the sale) had a tremor in his hand and so I asked him if he had PD. He, without looking at me like I was a rude lunatic, said yes he did. We then proceeded for about 25 minutes to talk about PD, our meds, exercise routines, our neurologist (same one..Dr. Pagan) and it was random and right.

You never know.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Now that I am using a walker I have been experiencing some challenges I didn't even known existed. Yesterday I HAD to go to the mall (Montgomery) to the Apple Store (minor/major phone problem) I thought I would be smart and park on the 2nd floor so I wouldn't have to deal with an elevator so I parked near Sears. It was a very long walk to the Apple store but okay. The Apple Store guy said to come back in 3 hours......very busy.

So I go to PD exercise class and as soon as I get there Apple texts that they're ready ( 15 min later) So I text back that I will come at 2:30. Fine. This time I think I will be smarter...park near Nordstrom, take the elevator and its a shorter walk to Apple .No parking on 1 st floor (reg or handicap ) Drive to 2nd level. Lots of parking. I park next to elevator. Elevator NOT working (no sign) Luckily my sister Janice was meeting me there so she CARRIED the walker down the steps and then we got on the elevator IN the store and we were fine. On the way back we took the escalator ...
Janice held the walker . I am fine on escalators......
CONCLUSION......don't (do not) go to the Mall !!!

 The other day I woke up at 3:30am, couldn't fall back asleep, turned on the TV (which usually puts me back to sleep) and found Cheers and I actually listened to the song and the song was a perfect description  of how I feel about PD classes

" Making your way in the world today takes everything you got
*  Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot
 * Wouldn't you like get away?
 * Sometimes you want to go
 * Where everybody knows your name
  *And they're always glad you came
 * You wanna be where you can see
   *Our troubles are all the same "  ETC ETC

PD class at St.Marks in Bethesda
                                                              Balancing Beanie Babies on                        
                                                              our heads, then juggling,                                                                             
                                                              throwing them at each other


                WHATEVER (shit that needs                                              
                                                              to go )