Now that I am using a walker I have been experiencing some challenges I didn't even known existed. Yesterday I HAD to go to the mall (Montgomery) to the Apple Store (minor/major phone problem) I thought I would be smart and park on the 2nd floor so I wouldn't have to deal with an elevator so I parked near Sears. It was a very long walk to the Apple store but okay. The Apple Store guy said to come back in 3 hours......very busy.
So I go to PD exercise class and as soon as I get there Apple texts that they're ready ( 15 min later) So I text back that I will come at 2:30. Fine. This time I think I will be smarter...park near Nordstrom, take the elevator and its a shorter walk to Apple .No parking on 1 st floor (reg or handicap ) Drive to 2nd level. Lots of parking. I park next to elevator. Elevator NOT working (no sign) Luckily my sister Janice was meeting me there so she CARRIED the walker down the steps and then we got on the elevator IN the store and we were fine. On the way back we took the escalator ...
Janice held the walker . I am fine on escalators......
CONCLUSION......don't (do not) go to the Mall !!!
The other day I woke up at 3:30am, couldn't fall back asleep, turned on the TV (which usually puts me back to sleep) and found Cheers and I actually listened to the song and the song was a perfect description of how I feel about PD classes
" Making your way in the world today takes everything you got
* Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot
* Wouldn't you like get away?
* Sometimes you want to go
* Where everybody knows your name
*And they're always glad you came
* You wanna be where you can see
*Our troubles are all the same " ETC ETC
PD class at St.Marks in Bethesda
Balancing Beanie Babies on
our heads, then juggling,
throwing them at each other
WHATEVER (shit that needs
to go )
You remain remarkable. More poetry, funny stories from your "whatever" point of view, please.