Saturday, July 22, 2017

Back to PD Plus and Monkey and White resting on the couch with an empty ice cream bowl on the table...probably watching Jeopardy ....

It has been SOO HOT here in Md, that I did something I rarely do and that is wear a sleeveless top. Just to exercise class.Then I remembered that I needed something from Kosher Mart. So I went inside and there was a woman and man shopping and the woman says to me "Oh, I see you are wearing patches on your you have Alzheimers? " I say No, Parkinson's . She says No, that little one is for Alzheimers. SO of course the second I get home I read the little patch info and sure enough it is recommended for both Alzheimers and PD to enhance memory.....I should have started years ago.
I won't be wearing sleeveless until the next 100+ day.

Keeping busy indoors by of course moving furniture, playing Word Wipe on line, going to yoga and exercise (indoors ) NO weed pulling or rock moving outside.....indoor weed only.....


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