The pool at the JCC looked very inviting and safe....railings for holding on.....shallow end for walking in the water. I went after yoga on Monday when the camp kids had left. Yes, I put on a bathing suit. Lots of old ladies (like me) walking around the locker room naked so I lost my self consciousness quickly and proceeded to the pool. I used the ramp to enter the pool.
The pool water was a perfect temperature . I let go of the railing and then the STRANGEST feeling came over me. I felt like there was strong undertow pulling me away from the edge of the pool and it was all I could do to get back to the railing. It made NO sense. I tried it again and same sensation came over me. I then just held onto the railing and tried to relax and float in 2 feet of water but no go. I got out of the water thinking NOT 'whatever' BUT what the fuck ???? I have no fear of water and have been a swimmer my whole life. Is it PD???
To be continued.............
Yesterday I went to Target with 2 friends and with their encouragement I tried for the 1st time to "drive" around the store. It was, easy to maneuver, didn't hit anyone, started zooming around like a crazy lady!!!!
Thanks Rhonda and Fredda for your willingness to put yourselves
in harms way to make life easier for me !!!!!
As always
Hi Diane, I have the same problem - there seems to be a current even in pools smaller than the JCC's I finally sold my house and now live in an apartment that has an outdoor pool. I have to hold onto something - usually the hand railing in the middle of the stairs, but I still start to drifting; I can only go away from that spot if someone is holding my arm tightly (and I only go in during adult swim.