Saturday, August 26, 2017

A little girl monkey was separated from her family more than 60 years ago. This week she was welcomed home by her brothers Jocko and little Jocko. (also known as George and little George).They welcomed her with open arms. Her name is Jackie.
Thank you Arona for bringing her home.

Other PD updates    

    ***Totally recovered from the effects of the flu shot.

@@@ Read on line (Tablet magazine), a blessing to say ( in Hebrew) for smoking weed....Boreh Pri Ha'Ganja. Not all rabbis agree on appropriateness of the blessing....Apparently the Baal Shem Tov smoked a pipe as a meditation device.

  ...there is a new hybrid strain of Cannabis indica......also known as Gorilla Glue #4, can be used to treat ailments such as PTSD pain and insomnia.      Hmmmmmm

No Thanks

I guess this is a monkey / weed entry

.When I was about 18 or 19 I came home from college on a break. I had misplaced something like a pen or chapstick and asked my mother to look in my purse to see if it was there. Instead she found a tiny amount of grass in an empty pill bottle. My father started yelling WHAT IS THIS !!!????
I replied  that it was only a little grass, no big deal and Victor yells"YOU THINK I DONT KNOW ABOUT REEFER????!!
I didn't know he knew that word. I didn't ask for more info.

When I was teaching K/1 years ago, I was reading the 1st book of the Curious George series...the one where George comes to America. I was showing the picture where George is sitting in the ships cabin , wearing The Man's bathrobe, and smoking a pipe . I asked if anyone knew what was funny about the page and a little boy raised his hand and he said it was silly because "everyone knows monkeys don't smoke weed !!!"

Last story is when I was teaching in DC we were on the playground and I was chatting with 5 year old Tajma and I noticed that on the ground there was a teeny tiny little plastic baggie and I remarked about what that small baggie was for? What could fit in there ?Tajma said everybody knows that it is a nickel bag of weed.



  1. Will talk later. Mucus raging ! Hugs, Pam

  2. Hi Diane ! your blog is always interesting and entertaining. Presently, I need a break. I am hoping my new medication stops or lessens the mucus. I seem to tire very quickly. However, I hope you have a wonderful Holiday ! Hope to see you soon ! with love, Pam ps You and your family are always welcome to stop by anytime, just give a jingle a ling ! love, Pam
