Saturday, December 15, 2018

  I'm tired of posting only moans and woeful groans and so today I am writing about  happiness!!!! I have always loved denim.....jeans and jackets and purses and shirts and vests and furniture and so now, while it is true that I live in jeans, I now think I can die in jeans......!!??? I have a new cover made of old jeans that I had saved ("stitch T "is the company). It is soft and warm and comfortable and I was thinking it would be a great shroud !!

I bought 2 new squirrel proof bird feeders. I had to reposition the pole and hangers and to do that I needed to remove years and layers of duck tape. Done. Squirrels are challenged. Birds are pleased. So am I.

Thats all. Watching the rain make puddles.Yes I'm weird.
Whatever !!!!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

This squirrel finds food  from a lady who enjoys watching them nibble and scurry and move in a hurry.

A deer enjoys moment of peace .
 This tiny little mouse figures out how to get to the birdseed in a closed metal bin and wasn't worried about getting out.
                                                       What do these pictures have to               
                                                        do with PD ?
                                                                                                                                                  appreciate friends, family and old ladies .....don't give up .....                                                                                                                                             
 relax and breathe ...   keep busy....  have goals......                             


Monday, November 5, 2018

When  I was teaching Head Start we enjoyed a book and song called Today is Monday . It was a repetitive song about food....Monday string beans, Tuesday spaghetti, Wednesday soup, don't remember the rest of it......but sometimes when someone asks me "How are you doing today ?" (especially if they know about my PD) ....the song pops into my head because on any given day my Parkinsons  manifestations are this:

Today is Monday                               
Today  is Monday                              Monday shaky
                                                           Tuesday lethargic                                                                                                                                   
Monday  nausea                                 Wednesday   steady
Tuesday  unbalanced                          Thursday  tired
Wednesday  okay                                Friday  happy
Thursday  sleeping well                      Saturday  in despair 
Friday  anxiety                                    Sunday  hopeful
Saturday  happy
Sunday  no falls                                      AND AGAIN

Then it starts again
Monday  sleepy                                        Monday  frustrated                                                                        
Tuesday  energetic                                    Tuesday  stumbling
Wednesday  sweating                                Wednesday  funny
Thursday  forgetful                                    Thursday  thankful
Friday  peaceful                                          Friday   clear
Saturday  calm                                            Saturday  serious 
Sunday  moving rocks                                Sunday    brilliant

The days, weeks , months, years
Always different, always the same
For me Parkinson's is an interesting guessing game.

Diane  "whatever"

Friday, November 2, 2018

I had a great time visiting Madison Wisconsin to see Jaime and Lola (and their parents Jeremy and Michelle) and foliage perfect. Visited both girls schools.....Lola for Shabbat and Jaime for writing. I had daily chats with my friend the TurkeyVulture (as of yet unnamed...taking suggestions). Jaime told me that she saw the vulture laying eggs....I said "I don't think so" but then I researched where turkey vultures lay eggs and it is in wooded grassy areas, hollowed out tree stumps ??? so maybe she did see it. Too steep for me to investigate further !!!                                
Next blog will be about the daily life of a Parkie (me)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Weather Worries

It's such a gorgeous cool and sunny day this Tuesday that I can only hope it stays this way for a while (24 hrs?) 

I have always been obsessed with the weather. As a child we had a school dress code. Girls wore skirts or dresses only, no  pants.If it was really cold girls were allowed to wear long pants UNDER their skirts. In fact the year I graduated from high school (1968) someone from MCPS changed the dress code so starting September 1968 girls could wear pants, slacks, jumpsuits or jeans.
Too late.

Then I went to Syracuse University. Syracuse was cold and snowy 10 months a year and nobody cared what you were wearing. Classes were never cancelled. Ever.

When I first started teaching school weather again was a major concern.Indoor/outdoor recess.? Lots of outerwear that didn't fit in cubbies or lockers. Wet shoes and socks. As the weather prediction technology advanced the forecasters then started promising 12 inches (no school) when in fact it was 2 inches ...not even a delayed opening. Early release, no school.....

Now that I am retired you would think that I wouldn't be so anxious about the weather but this is where the PARKINSONS comes in.
Heres the list of problems I face (and maybe you do too)
1. RAIN.....*getting in and out of the car with an umbrella. (opened    
                   or closed)
                   *slippery surfaces
2. SNOW.....*same as above plus can't walk in unplowed OR               
                      plowed snow 
                     *totally unbalanced walk

3. PERFECT WEATHER....** must go outside and walk in the woods and pick up sticks and stones and weeds and twigs and rocks and pinwheels and move displays and chairs and bird feeders and squirrel feeders ......risks of tripping , falling, tumbling, slipping, stumbling.**

I will take a perfect day any day.
And so far as rain only go to places that have underground parking.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Last week's Parkinson Support Group topic was SLEEP....and it sparked much conversation  of sleep difficulties. Going to sleep and staying asleep were the most common. Help with sleep distress included prescription and OTC  meds, breathing and meditation,
eating, not eating, sound proof rooms, dark rooms....

There were a couple of folks who have movements during sleep  so severe that their bed partners complain of being punched and  kicked. People have thrown themselves out of bed .Pretty exciting, huh?

My pattern of sleep is NO pattern (it seems).Doesn't matter where I sleep...upstairs, downstairs, bed, chair, couch.....lights on, TV on, complete silence and darkness.....sometimes I sleep okay which means to me NO more than 1 bathroom visit and sleeping til 5:30 or 6. There have been times when I wake up at 2, COMPLETELY awake and I get up and work on a project or do laundry or watch shows I have recorded. I DON"T pull weeds or move rocks in the dark (although I want to !!)

And the other day when I woke up I became very confused because the TV cable box showed the number 906 and I thought what channel was I watching and then realized it was in fact 9:06 am.
I had been asleep for 12 hours. WHATEVER!!!
This is what I call SLEEP.
Wish we could all be this comfortable.

Monday, September 10, 2018


L' Shana Tova family and friends,

I have always felt that September is the real beginning of the year because its a new school year.  New and returning TV shows (I like Alex Trebeks' beard), time to reflect on the year gone by, Redskins, plans to change "things" for the better if I can, be thankful for what I have and what I can do. 
Many lessons learned from my experiences from this summers surgeries, and pain and subsequent problems with opioids and withdrawal. I chose a different primary care physician, started acupuncture and therapeutic massage. I continue with physical therapy and and buying silly t-shirts and gently moving rocks and feeding birds. Life is good. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

 Trying to keep cool on August 29th even though its almost 100 degrees. Noticed something in the garden today....CORN growing !!! I think it was part of the birdseed (or bird droppings?) . I picked it, shuck it and sure enough it was an actual ear of corn.....tiny, but hey...Don't think I'll cook it.

Also found a huge mushroom...kinda pretty but I think its poisonous.

Speaking of poison, I continue to withdraw (slowly) from the opioids (and surgery discomfort) with the aid of ACUPUNCTURE (amazing) and physical therapy. And Parkinsons exercise classes.
I still don't have an appetite (kinda yea !!), some nausea and some random sweating attacks. No longer drink coffee in the morning (yuck) or drink wine in the taste for it. (yet)

I am ready and waiting for cooler weather , the Holidays (Jewish) and maybe maybe getting back to "my normal". 
See ya'll soon.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Another 2 months  (or so) has gone by since I last sat down to write. I think it is because every time I think about writing it is to complain or moan or whimper. On any given day I feel and look like these pictures.They pretty much sum up this summer. Right now I am feeling pretty good (blue glasses) except for the Oxycontin withdrawal (brown glasses) I am currently going through
Thanks to all family and friends for support these
trying months. I owe you. (cookies, babysitting, Redskin tickets.....just name it !)
Will blog again soon 
As always


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Good morning everyone !!!

It has been almost 2 months since I have written a blog entry. I have been very busy with surgery, rehab, more surgery, PT, OT, Drs appts, etc. In April suddenly I (out of nowhere) felt intense pain in my left hip area....went to Suburban, X-rays, ct scan, the ER docs said they didn't see anything .

The next day I called the doc who did my hip replacement 5 years ago and he saw lots of loose screws (not in my hip!!!) and scheduled surgery. Had the surgery, went to rehab (all at Sibley) continued to have pain which progressably got worse. Tried several interventions (injections) and finally Doc said more surgery to see what the f---- was still causing such intense pain. (opioids only made a dent in relieving pain.)

So another week in the hospital post surgery, Doc said all metal bits removed, and now we just wait for healing to start. Left the hospital with lots of prescriptions, and post op directions. Healing could take weeks, months, ????

Found a pain doc (nearby), a great physical therapist (who I have seen many times before)
got a very competent in home caregiver........

I now have 4 walkers ( on each floor and 1 in the car) 4 canes, and 1 wheelchair. Diapers, grabbers, and a wonderful reclining chair. Every bathroom is equipped with what I need.
Surgery doc says another few weeks for walkers and then I can switch to cane and put more weight on my left leg/hip. (I can walk without the walker but don't tell anyone)
   AND    Heres what I've learned from this whole experience......
1. Just because I fall and it looks like there is no injury (except bruises) it could be internal.
2. There are many many caring and thoughtful people in my life.
3. I can still move small objects (books, pencils, pill bottles) and pretend its furniture.
4. PD still affects movements and mood.( I thought that PD would give me a break.)
5. The loss of independence is staggering driving, needing help with dressing, showering, stairs, cat care......just regular daily stuff.
6. The world is in far worse shape than I am. (thanks Donald)
7. I can sink very very low in TV program watching....Joey Bishop, Father Know Best, Wyatt Earp (actually enjoy some of them) 
8. I can watch 5 episodes of Law and Order in a row and not get bored.
9. I still want to pick up sticks and pull weeds.
10. Remember all the positives in my life and get past the rest.

See ya soon.
This picture should have shown me smiling....comfy chair, comfy clothes, and of course......White, the cat !!!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

You looking at me ???
Yes I am (at 2am) !!!!!! Looking for bird seed and squirrel food?
Why don't you ask the 2 foxes that ran across the back yard Saturday afternoon ? Must be something about Earth Day.

Last few weeks have been exciting. Visit from children and grandchildren. Nice weather. No meds working nicely.

Until last week when I woke up in intense hip / groin pain along with strange squeaking sounds coming from my left side every time  I  moved. Went to Suburban ER...the ER doc took X-rays and ct scan and said she saw nothing unusual...follow up with an orthopedist. I called Dr. Siram who did my original hip replacement.
He read the X-rays and said " have some broken parts that need replacement"   SO I will have surgery Monday at Sibley.
As long as Sibley food service still has chocolate pudding I should be fine. Not sure how long recovery/rehab/PT will take.

Thats all folks.

Friday, March 30, 2018

These are scenes from my sisters apartment in Phoenix Arizona.
Nice, huh? Came on Wednesday for a, relaxation , Passover. 
Yesterday we went to a shop in Cave Creek AZ....perfect for me !!!
Bought 2 little mementos....don't ask. They also had 2 life sized chimpanzees sitting on a park bench. I thought the shipping costs might be a bit costly.

Maybe will go to Goodwill today. You never know what may be there for me .
Trying new restaurants, enjoying rock formations and scenery (thinking about my front yard ). 

On the PD front, all okay. Traveling is tough but manageable.
Toe is healing slowly. Our hosts are generous and patient. No hurrying. Relaxed and Chill. Thanks Janice and Len.

More later !!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

So what is this? I stubbed my little toe (left foot), it was sooo painful and purple that I went to the DR. I was only able to get an appt with a PA (physicians asst). She said it was broken so I should tape it, ice it, stay off it.
I asked if there was a special shoe to wear. She 
said no. So I fashioned a "broken toe" shoe out of an old pair of sneakers. Kinda worked .

Eight days later ( this past Friday) my toe was still throbbing and bright red so I called the DR office again and this time spoke to my actual physician who said I should go get an Xray and go to the RightTime clinic. (It was Friday night) I did go and YES it was broken and they taped my toe and YES of course they had a shoe for me !!!

What does "stay off your feet" mean ?? I am trying to figure that out. I have tried NOT doing rock picking, landscaping, and furniture moving. Do I NOT go to PD exercise and yoga? Will the cats clean their own litter box ? Yet another WHATEVER thing!!! Day by day........

The GOOD news is that I have been using the carts that are at stores like Target that you drive 
yourself around .....I haven't hit anyone....but some of turns are tricky....Lots of fun exploring the whole store on wheels !!!

Beautiful day today. I will SIT  outside and use  binoculars to watch squirrels and birds and bunnies and ???

Til next time .......

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Long time since I wrote anything.....WHY ????
No reason. 
Everything is fine. A trip to Madison.
A trip to to Bethesda, Silver Spring, DC, Gaithersburg, and Potomac.
A few falls, bruises, broken bones
Some med changes
Restart physical therapy for balance issues
Continuing exercise and yoga classes

Good strong energetic moments and
Can't get off the couch days
Frustration and anxiety 
Confidence and power
PD (for me) has no rhyme reason or patterns
Whatever Whatever Forever

My neighbor asked last Thursday if I was excited about the upcoming wind storm given my fondness (obsession?) with yard work. Of course she was right!! Couldn't wait to get outside and start making piles of limbs and sticks.....
No loss of power or internet or cable
No damage

Thats all for now
Hope my readers are doing well (as I am) Really

Monday, February 12, 2018

I am in beautiful snowy Madison Wisconsin  visiting the Tunis family. Jaime skis, Lola moves toys, both girls LOVE to read books and Grandma (of course) rearranges furniture (with and without permission ). Having an interesting time observing their daily lives.
I have lots of marriage and childrearing  advice to share but I don't offer unsolicited opinions. (yeah right) Typical Grandma stuff.

Last week at home I engaged in risky outdoor behaviors (involving of course bird feeders) and fell 2 times. Bruises and cuts but nothing broken. I saw the neurologist about my balancing and OCD  issues....2 PD concerns ..... he tweaked my meds....We'll see if I can be more thoughtful about my limitations.(yeah right)


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

My mantra has always been "WHATEVER"

So much more lately than ever before because I am experiencing so many fluctuations in my PD. The reality is there is no predictability as to how any day may go......sleep, walking, stiffness, anxiety.....steadiness, balance, mood, aches....

Therefore the new norm is NO NORM, whatever is happening THAT DAY, THAT MOMENT, deal with  it as best as I can.

Fios, Epson, Apple, all things electronic 
Patience, breathing

So here is what I find useful :

bird and squirrel feeding

A work space

making sculptures using stones, pebbles, rocks broken ceramics and super glue

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Good Morning Snow

I was thinking about all things PD that I read online about alleviating stresses of PD so I looked at what I do to cope with angst and anger and frustration. When you are done reading feel free to let me know what relaxes you......

squirrels etc

medical marijuana

any potato product
with eggs and butter

puzzles and the remote

of course
a place to chill

Choose your favorite
duct tape

collecting wine corks
more med supplies


Monday, January 8, 2018

I like to feed the birds...all birds....wrens, sparrows, cardinals, titmice, doves, woodpeckers, 1 hawk, bluejays, starlings and others that I don't know what they are. Since at some time in the future (2018-2028) we will replace the deck I decided to turn the current structure into a wildlife sanctuary, Of course I say 'wildlife' because when you feed birds you also feed the SQUIRRELS and moles and chipmunks, deer and even a fox. 
I have hung, and poled feeders in the front yard, back yard, woods, and deck and NO MATTER what I do to discourage squirrels they still manage to get the seed. Urine spray, red hot peppers, aluminum foil, (pretty good until the foil falls off) don't usually work.

Little Pearl (or Earl) the squirrel WON the prize .Not only did she eat the seed she got into the feeder, looked at me and continued munching. (see bottom picture)

Now everyone has their own feeding area and the feeder house is retired to be indoor decor !!

What does this have to do with PD? There is a condition in PD called PUNDING .....compulsive, obsessive, repetitive behaviors that leads to no satisfactory conclusion, necessarily, but is continued nonetheless . Some punding can be dangerous like gambling (not me !!) But it is something that challenges the rational mind (me?) Squirrel wars will go on !!!!!
  Happy whatever .

Thursday, January 4, 2018

NewYears THOUGHTS (not resolutions) for me in 2018
                                                1. NO SMOKING (tobacco)

      2. Wear a bra ONLY when required 
          by law

   3. Pick DIY projects that involve  Duct, Duck and Scotch Tape that   
          can changed and altered daily depending on weather, my mood and consultations with birds and squirrels .

4. Acknowledge PD changes and challenges and then get mad/sad/pissed/annoyed/frustrated and then GET OVER my pathetic self pitying feelings. SHUT UP !!! I can drive, clean cat litter, do laundry, move furniture, watch TV, drink wine, smoke weed, argue, etc. So big deal if I can't button shirts, read my own crossword puzzle letters, or remember anything.

5. And for 2018 maybe OUR thoughts will include ____________________________________________
    (fill in the blank)

     WHATEVER   (with a smile)