Sunday, December 18, 2016

This t shirt says it all !!!!! PD does, for the most part , suck BIG
You've heard it all here.....falling, tripping, stumbling, OCD, shaking, freezing gait, anxieties, choking, pain (from various PD injuries), movement in general, you know my usual complaining  PD schtick .

But as the year 2016 comes to a close I still feel that I'd rather have PD than "something"else. I find humor (in books, blogs...other than my blog) about PD. I can use PD as an excuse for whole varieties of activities  I may NOT FEEL like doing......(you never know!!!???? if its true or false) like parties, errands, movies, eating out. I can be at any time sluggish, hyperactive, moody, joyful, mean or kind obsessive.

So I will be looking forward to 2017 so I can 
1. continue to drive (get outta my way),  
2. go to exercise and yoga with PD friends in group  
3. pretend to try and lose weight,
4. use medical marijuana,
5. drink white wine, 
6. go to estate sales,
7. watch Jeopardy, move furniture & eat M&Ms.
8. visit with Jaime, Lola, Oscar and all other VIP grandkids and their families
9. buy T-shirts , watch birds, battle squirrels, move rocks
10. appreciate all the attention and support from family, friends, and strangers who hold doors open, etc.

Okay enough.
Have a safe and happy Chanukah, Xmas, Kwanzaa, New Year 

Monday, December 5, 2016

This is also picture of me at 66, but this time looking more like my kinda tired and raggy self. I would like to pretend that I 1) don't have PD and 2) I am not aging a bit faster than I imagined. But thank God there are mirrors and selfies that don't lie !!!

I am noticing subtle ( and not so subtle) physical and mental challenges and changes . I play a game (solitaire version) that I try to categorize my ailments by asking is "IT"  PD? or AGING? or me? Heres a list along.......

*walking funny and unbalanced steps
*having trouble getting in and out of the car
*getting up from a sitting position
*sitting down not falling into a chair
*finding mysterious and unknown black and blues on arms and legs
*thinking that obsessive rock moving is normal (like rock climbers   
always a new peak to scale)
*not so nimble fingers typing and texting
*BIG worries on everything WEATHER related (driving, walking)
*visual perception when driving
*MEMORY....what was I thinking ? where was I going? 
AND...............................................aches and pains and soreness and stiffness and fatigue  and bad dreams and getting up at 2am to pee and a lot of 'what was I saying?"

I love estate sales. I used to go with my mother and you didn't have to buy anything to find it interesting. Now you go on line and look at pictures to see if there is anything you KINDA want. When I saw this monkey on line I knew I had to have it. Being very worried that it would be sold before I got there I went the 20 miles (so it seemed) and guess what !!! I got it !!! It is now living happily with other vintage simian friends.



Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This is what 66 looks like....Whaddya think? Thanks for all the birthday greetings (and gifts) from friends and family.
I have spent this rainy birthday doing favorite activities indoors such as moving small items from one room to another, reshelving books and cds, crossword puzzles and computer word games, watching birds and squirrels ..........
Indulging in favorite, bagel, burger (from Max's)
M and M's, mmmmm
Looking for best tv shows to fall asleep to.......Big Bang repeats,
Law and Order repeats, Pickers, Storage Wars or Pawn shop  repeats.....All old shows......old being the KEY word !!!

I am hoping to do some traveling to visit family and friends, and being as safe and healthy as I can be (super careful when cutting trees and moving rocks). Indulge in not too many risky behaviors. 
Grow my own medical marijane. Read an actual book.
LOTS to see and do.


Friday, November 25, 2016

 Happy Holidays to all !! Our family get together was great....calm, happy, fulfilling, (filling!!) loving.....Next year in New York !!!!

Birthday cake for me, Brian, and Sammy


Sunday, November 20, 2016

I had a great time in Brooklyn this week with Sammy and Michael.Took the bus from Bethesda, which is easier for me to maneuver than the train stations. Walked up and down the 5 five flights of stairs to Sammy's apartment without a stumble or mishap.
Rode the subway, took a car service when needed. Saw Fiddler.

We went to a local karaoke bar (I had never been to pay for drinks AND $2 a song) A couple of Beatles, a Simon and Garfunkel and I was done !!!
I put PD on hold for 2 and 1/2 days !!!!
Today everything is sore, headache and stomachache, exhaustion, and IT WAS WELL WORTH IT !!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

On my way to visit family in Brooklyn on the "Gold" Vamoose bus.
Its roomier, a little more $$, BUT 
you get "free" newspaper , water and a tote bag.
Its hard to type on the bus so I will keep it short. Sadly I will have to put my initials earrings in storage for the next 4 years....sorry that the prez elect and I share DT....The only thing I have in common with him.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I believe this picture says it all !!!! We had a great time raking leaves, playing dollhouse , pretending space ships, working science
experiments in Jaimes office, bird and squirrel wonder we were exhausted .
 Jaime (on my laptop) turned me into a cat. She and Lola enjoyed watching the antics of Monkey (especially) and White. And this addresses perfectly PDplusCATS !! And when visiting with the kids my PD almost falling, tripping, stumbling....
A great lovely weekend.

Monday, November 7, 2016

huh ????

I heard that no one received my last post about meds. I will try again. Please let me know (by regular email if you get it. Don't know what the problem has been.....operator error I am sure.
Just spent the weekend with J and M and their kids. It was perfect.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

 I never counted exactly how many  pills I take a day for PD, allergies, pain, stomach, cholesterol, and I don't plan to count. They are organized and the challenge is to remember to take them.!!! Once in a while I forget. Maybe I need a pill that helps me remember to take the pills. I remember when my favorite TV shows are on, lyrics from Hair and Les Miz, teachers I had, and all my cats. I think its all about aging.

Grandchildren are coming this weekend. Can't wait to see them. Oh yeah. I forgot.Their parents are joining them !

I have good days and not so good days.I try to remember only the days that I am healthy and energetic and calm.                                Thats all !!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

My latest post was written this morning Oct. 24....some friends got instead an earlier post .....anyway you can always look it up at  .....
And I was so proud that I did the post with pictures without my blog crib sheet..... Whatever !!!!!


Which do you prefer? Monkey REALLY likes being outside (but not the halter or leash). Lily-white would rather snuggle indoors.

Spent the weekend creating new kid and baby friendly spaces. That means moving furniture, toys, books, cat trees, outdoor and indoor seating  arrangements. Totally enjoyable.

Still searching for the perfect fall foliage TREE to display .

Trifocals are working.

Visited my friends PreK class and read Gingerbread Man . Left them smiling. Retirement has its benefits.

I think I have attained a victory (for now) over the squirrels. I have hung the feeder in a way the squirrels can't quite reach. GO BIRDS!!!

Have a nice day, yada yada yada ...whatever.

Friday, October 21, 2016


October 21
I was trying to wait until I could post of a beautiful picture of a colorful autumn tree but I still haven't seen one yet. Crazy weather.
Too hot, too humid. Maybe this weekend.

There are days when I feel "normal" (normal for me)....go to exercise classes, the grocery store, move furniture, write books for my grands, frame pictures, feed birds, watch tv (too much?) read the newspaper, play word games on the computer, cat stuff 

Then there are days when everything hurts or is sore, lots of fatigue and nausea, headache and stomachache, my hair looks thinner and my thighs look fatter, too many meds that don't feel like they work.

 I give myself about an hour or so of self pity and woefulness , then some healthy breathing and MAJOR get over yourself self talk. 
Usually works as a jump start and if that doesn't work I go in my yard (and my neighbors yards) and pick up and collect fallen branches, limbs and sticks and either bag them or pile them. Very good therapy.

Hope your days are normal (whatever that means). Looking forward to visits from grandchildren and children and friends and family.

Happy  WHATEVER !!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday October 9th .What a gloriously beautiful  day.!!!!Cool. Breezy. Sunny. No biting bugs. I spent 2 hours in the morning picking up sticks, and small tree limbs. I filled 3 leaf bags.
Then I changed/redesigned the cat stone garden (statues etc) from the back yard to the front yard...........The  photo on the right is from May .
The left photo is from today.I worked a couple of hours moving everything. Very satisfying. I love moving stuff. I didn't fall, trip or stumble. Hope the trick or treaters like cats. This year I am giving out little toys (from Oriental Trading Co) instead of candy. We'll see how that works !!!  Later !!      

Monday, October 3, 2016

new year

and friends and family and fellow PD and dogs and cats !!!
1. move my body
2. take my meds
3. calm down
4. be positive
5. breathe

Thursday, September 29, 2016

I hung up this jacket next to the front door hoping that this would prompt cool, maybe even chilly weather . It is NOT a raincoat. It doesn't have a hood. Too tricky to get out of the car, open an umbrella, avoid puddles, slippery parking lots and sidewalks . And then take the wet umbrella back in the car, try not to fill the carseat with water. And it is the day to put out trash and recycling at the curb.
Not complaining.
Just musing, happy to watch the rain wind water from inside a comfortable family room

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Like my cat Lily I can get comfortable and sleep anywhere ! (Once slept in a bathtub in a hotel !!)
(and in the lobby of the Oberlin Inn. The desk clerk got me a pillow and cover at 2 am )

I learned something new about PD  ( I thought I knew it all) I have been having trouble for a while with getting my glasses "right"....if I can read clearly (computer. newspaper) then I can't read print on the TV. I have graduated bifocals (4 pairs with slightly different prescriptions) . I move them up and down my nose. I have seen 2 opthamologists, had glasses made a 3 different shops, but still not right. So I asked Dr Pagan (my neurologist ) if there was an eye doc who knows about PD. He recommended Dr. Shin who is a neuroopthamologist.....

He said that YES ...that for some people with PD the visual muscles slow down. up/down/side to side
THAT  for some people like me, graduated bifocals don't work because of the minute changes in the lens my eyes can't adjust fast enough . His recommendation is to go back to the optometrist and see about BIFOCAL or TRIFOCALS (who knew??) that are separated by a line.
Also he said to use hydrating eye drops several X a day...PD people blink less than others ( he noticed that I blink less) and it dries out the eyes .

So again.....who knew ??

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Fighting (boxing)

I am fighting PD. I am battling tremor, fatigue, imbalance, missteps, sweats.........
I do yoga, 'chair', and boxing. Anything and everything I can come up with to deal with the effects of PD.
By the way, I haven't figured out jabs, punches and footwork !!!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Sept 12 2016

After a great trip to Madison, I of course returned to the usual list of bodily complaints ....aches, pains, stiffness, stomach stuff, and a few new ones that I will not list (you're welcome)
I try to focus on the positive....
Back to exercise classes. Yoga and "chair" and now BOXING !!!
I love punching bags ! My father bought me gloves and a punching bag when I was about 6. Apparently I like punching people (sister and dad) .I haven't punched anyone in the past 50 years but you never know !!!
More later, when something blog worthy happens.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Finishing up a great week in Madison visiting Jaime and Lola (and their parents). Did some of my (our) favorite activities.......gardening, landscaping, (pulling weeds) buying lawn ornaments, setting up a bird feeder, AND going to the zoo, McDonalds with a big play area , the Library, Target (2x)s,
pretended to be kitties, and slept an average of 8 uninterrupted hours a nite !!!!! Sammy joined us for 2 days of fun !!!!
Now its time to go back home on Sunday. I will be back soon !!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

My favorite cookie shop in the world is in NYC and if you ever wanted to send a gift to someone special you can see the address on the bag. CC is my favorite. Very $$$$ but worth it !!!

Too hot in DC so I am returning to Madison on Sunday for a week for Grandma and Jaime time ...there's no school or camp so I am going to be Grandma Mrs Tunis and plan some exciting activities like going to the library, set up bird feeders, the pool or a lake, maybe the children's museum, a movie, or just hang !!!

I am hoping for a once in a millennium August snowfall in Madison !!!!


Monday, August 8, 2016


The first picture is  Grandma and Jaime and Lola.
The second picture is a huge field (acres) of sunflowers....amazing.
The 3rd picture is somewhat misleading....Jaime is napping BUT its Grandma who is exhausted !!!!! (and happy)

Back to Md last night from Madison, WI
The most interesting (okay maybe not the most) part of the visit for me was the virtual  disappearance of the major PD problems .....
* didn't fall, trip, stumble, lose balance
* walked on grass, up hills (small) down hills, pavement
* was able to get up from a sitting position on the couch or chair to          a standing position while holding little Lola !!!!
* walked up and down a spiral staircase.

All in all the trip went very well. I heard this morning that Delta had shut down world wide so I got lucky by flying yesterday .

I had a chance to go to Jaime's camp and read a book to the kids.
Jaime and I sorted and organized her toys and books. We played letter and word and writing "games". Lola and Jaime and I had deep and meaningful discussions and conversations about life.

And I get to go back to Madison in a couple of weeks ! We have lots more to do. Setting up a bird feeder, going to the childrens museum, maybe the zoo. Jaime and I were bitten by every bug in the state, so depending on the weather (and bugs) maybe the movies or gardening.

Pictures will be posted some time soon !!


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Been in Madison WI enjoying beautiful weather , wonderful grandkids, close to Target, eating in and eating out.....

My favorite activities are being Mrs. Grandma the teacher, unpacking boxes, sorting kids books, rock a bye ing the baby, (Lola) ,  finding limbs to pick up (assisted by Jaime), visits to the pool, fields of sunflowers, .........

can't wait to come PD in WI !!!

Photos will appear eventually.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunny Sunday hello

Thinking about anxieties  (and PD?)'s the short list:
driving,  weather, traffic, parking, sleeping, eating, traveling, flying, terrorists, Trump, weeds (the ones that grow in the garden) family, friends, limb pain, bugs and ticks...

NOT so worried about falling, walking, tripping, more broken bones,bruises, mildly risky behavior like moving furniture, cutting tree limbs, moving rocks....

SO how to cope? Therapy, exercise, writing, crossword puzzles, word games on line, massage, estate sales, meds, cannabis, (legal!) acupuncture, TV, collecting, (cats, monkeys, log cabins, bird houses, doll houses, earrings, childrens books, unusual lamps,
garden stuff), keeping quiet, telling truths.  Why? Not sure.  It seems to work sorta kinda. 

This is Fridays estate sale purchase. Lamp, birdhouse, general store all in one !! $ 10.00 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Its Tuesday and its hot already. Here is a follow up to the last post.

1. The cannibus (MJ) comes in the form of a nasty tasting oil that you put under your tongue. It aint the Age of Aquarius ......still assessing its effect. The literature says that some users find a decrease in appetite.....ah, NO !!!!!

2. It was so hot last week I actually wore a pair of shorts.

3. Got antibiotics for the tick......

4. I am always looking for excuses for my weight gain.....have yet to find any research linking PD and need for peanut M and Ms

5. Word Wipe is an obsessive addicting word game on and I could play all day....

6. YEA!!! get to be granny and MIL soon ....(in person ! going to Madison end of the month)

I am going to stop sending alerts about posts.....just check once or twice a week...If you WANT alerts, let me know at


Friday, July 8, 2016

Good Morning !!

I couldn't decide what to write about today, so here is a list of possible subjects to blog about. I will take requests.

1. My visit to the LEGAL cannibus (marijuana) alternative care MD
2. The tick discovered by my PT and subsequent treatment.
3. HEAT and humidity
4. weight gain
5. IHOP in Wheaton
6. mother in laws
7. Word Wipe on line game (free)
8. remote control controller
9. OCD and punding and anxiety
10. whatever !!!!!

Have a safe and cool weekend

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Clintons and I  hope you have a wonderful July 4th 2016. 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

PDPLUSCATS and wine !!!

Barbara Wilmarth APRN, GNP, Clinic Coordinator for Movement Disorders Clinic (at Georgetown University) will be speaking at the Rockville JCC on PD and exercise on SUNDAY JULY 17th at 2:15. Along with Barbara will be Janice Salit (DPT) . She will talk about the BIG exercise program as well as other programs in exercise for PD. COME, you might learn something you didn't know !!! 

And there won't be any cats or wine. Just valuable information. Tell  you friends and family , with or without PD. Be a life long learner.

see ya

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

This is my family PD family.........
Upper left is Solomon my great grandfather who my mother said had a "palsy"....thats what they called PD in the 40's and 50's.Next in the upper right is 2 pics of my grandmother Sarah (young and older) PD (I remember her well). Then mid left is my mothers brother Irv who  had PD later in life (78+). Next is my mother Lola and bottom left is me. The pictures (I know) are not very clear but I wanted to put them on all together. 4 generations. 
I have the LRRK 2 gene for PD. A person can have the LRRK gene and NOT develop PD. Or you can get PD without the gene. Doctors have recommended that my adult children NOT be tested since there are no guarantees either way.

My Grandma was the oldest of nine and the only 1 to develop PD.
My mother had 3 siblings and it was 2/4 with PD.
I have 1 sister and she doesn't have PD  1/2
so !!!  according to my calculations the next generation should be 0/2 . NO MORE PD....It stops with me !!!!! 


Friday, June 24, 2016

This is little Diane (in 1st grade??) This is how I felt in the Apple Store like I was just learning to read. Anyway, just now I took a picture of the picture, loaded it on the computer, and was able to put it in the blog. Yea me !!!!
Enjoy the weekend !!!

Heres a few more of my collections
bird houses

little houses and log cabins

music favorites

a few monkeys

monkey collection


I am at the mall waiting for my turn at the Apple Store to continue working on putting pictures ..on the blog. A guy name Jeff (waiting his turn) showed me how to do it.......yeah right.........
Anyway this pic is part of the blog (plus cats)........Lilywhite is resting on the cat bed in the section of the basement that is the cat display area
This is  a picture of Monkey. She likes Ledos.
More later.

Friday, June 17, 2016


This is a picture of my mother Lola. She was loving and intelligent and well read and athletic and politically active and had Parkinsons. I have spent some  time this week looking at old photos of family members who had Parkinsons and will try posting them as well.
The computer guy was here today so managed to post this picture... no promises doing the pics by myself !!!! 
My new granddaughter (Jaime's sister) is Lola.

Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10 Friday


I have now seen 6 doctors and the consensus is that I

1. have pain in my thigh, hip, butt and upper left leg

2. have bursitis  and arthritis and other variable "itises"


Because of my Parkinson's and artificial hip and calcaneal break I walk differently and my unsteady gate leads to difficulty walking , balancing and therefore , subsequently pain.


Ice ,   Heat ,   Physical Therapy,   Advil ,  Analgesic balm,   (maybe) acupuncture,   ice cream ,  m and m's,  yoga, Tai Chi,   stretching,  complaining,  moving furniture and rocks, the usual.

I'm dreaming about trips to NY and Wisconsin when I can (I hope soon)


I will try to be more diverse in my blogs ......will take requests !!!!!!!!!!

Happy WHATEVER .......................

Friday, June 3, 2016

Travels in the Medical Land

June 3

Dr. Heel said see Dr. Hip
Dr. Hip said its bursitis
We will try a cortisone shot
It won't hurt a lot (it did!)

10 days later still in pain
Dr. Hip says its time to see Dr. Back
Dr. Back says could be a nerve
Another shot (in vain?)

10 days later lots of pain
Now Dr. Back suggests we do a spinal bloc
Confused, starting to scare
I called my trusted  Primary Care (dr)

She said see a neurosurgeon , get his opinion
He said NO don't get a bloc
Get a different hip doc
And a physiatrist too

So here we go again
next week we'll see what helps
MRI and M and M's in hand
Into HEALTH CARE LAND.........

Friday, May 27, 2016

get a life

When I started watching Sgt. Preston of the Yukon on TV this morning  I knew it was time to get a grip and get off the couch (Sgt Preston was a show from the late 1950s). So today I went to Whole Foods and even though my leg pain was MAJOR I made it through the store..... pushing a grocery carts  is helpful, parking at WF is easy.......

My new plan is to go to one activity everyday outside of the house.
Since my leg hurts whenever I walk or stand I will keep moving and periodically take a break. I have had enough TV game shows, coloring books, pain killers that do nothing, and will use my cane and walker if necessary.Back to exercise and yoga.

I have an appt with a neurosurgeon to review my MRI and see his recommendations on the scheduled nerve block.

Enjoy the holiday weekend.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

alien invasion

MAY 22

invaded by some alien baddie......not PD or calcaneal or hip thing . Old fashioned SUPER pain in my upper left leg  (thigh sort moves) Docs trying to figure it out...xrays, MRI, cortisone, percocet, tylenol, steroids....the works.No improvements yet, but hope something gets figured out this week. Missing exercise classes and pD friends (sad) but enjoying visits from out of town friends and family....particularly those who "get me" and my need to move rocks and go to estate sales and watch Pickers and old TV game shows!!!!

Keeping busy playing word games on line, curative coloring, and minor (very minor) household chores like kitty litter clean up and fur removal.

When I am walking again with reduction of pain I want to go to visit new baby Lola ( and big sister Jaime)in Wisconsin...what more incentive do I need????!!!!!

I plan to share better news later this week (I am 
sure) ......Willing to try phys Therapy acupuncture,reflexology, illegal inhalants, massage,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Rain, Pain. Gain


GAIN : in case you didn't hear , there is a new Tunis !!!! LOLA TUNIS , born May 4th, 2016. She is perfect, as is sister Jaime, and parents Michelle and Jeremy.(look on Michelle and Jeremy's facebook for pics)

RAIN: will it ever stop????

PAIN: Now I have been diagnosed (after sudden onset of pain last week) with hip trochanteric bursitis- combo of traumas, hip replacement, calcaneal break, PD, unbalance walking, you name it and I got it.


in order of importance.............
new baby
new baby
new baby


Monday, May 2, 2016

May quick updates

Monday May 2

A weekend trip to Madison to see Jeremy, Michelle and Jaime before the new baby girl arrives sometime this week ! PD PLUS !! wheelchair for long walks in the airport .....nice convenience (and necessary)

AND Sammy Tunis" Off Broadway Musical FUTURITY (which had a long run last fall in NY) WON WON WON a prodigious award last night . It is the Lucille Lortel Awards for Off Broadway productions. Look it up !!!!

Now back home for gardening, rocks, maybe planting something useful  "plants for PD."
Any suggestions ????

have a safe week !!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Rock Garden in Progress

Years ago I made a rock garden as a tribute and memorial to all of our cats who were allowed to be inside/outside explorers UNTIL....
everyone NOW (and for several years) have been INDOOR ONLY. Now that I am DONE with squirrels and birds I have been working on refurbishing,  redesigning, and MOVING STUFF (rocks/bricks/sticks) and loving it. This picture is what the garden looked like yesterday. I will send more pictures upon completion. (completion means that it stays for 1week until I change it !!)

I didn't wait a week, I waited a day. This morning on the advice of Michael (Sammy's BF) I spread out the garden collection of cats, birds , pinwheels, etc over the yard We think it looks more interesting. And more rock designs will appear in other areas (mazes? triangles?)
Keeps me busy. Something to do at sunrise. A bit risky but exciting.
Creative, changeable, good muscle and neurological workouts, fresh air.
Beware of biting bugs, foxes, snakes, hawks, and don't forget SQUIRRELS !!!!
(panoramic photo- scroll to look at the full photo)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

My New Favorite T-shirt

Thank you Sammy Tunis for showing me how to add pictures to my blog! More to come!

Friday, April 15, 2016

women with PD or Ladies with PD or LAPD

 When I was growing up my grandmother  Sarah worked as an award winning sales woman at Jelleff's department store. (I still have the "crown" she won). She took the bus to our house  to babysit. We went to her apartment and played with stuff in her dresser drawers, specifically fake fox  heads and tails.

Then what seemed like all of a sudden she was in a wheelchair . Surgery on her knees (arthritis) and subsequent PD diagnosis and I don't think I saw her walk again.

I remember visiting her in New York in the Beth Abraham Home for Incurables ( FABULOUS NAME ) in the Bronx. (where Dr. Oliver Sacks was working as portrayed in the movie "Awakenings")

She was in a bed. She was very quiet. She was not the grandma we knew. My mother visited her EVERY month. She was "moved" to NY where her 6 sisters could , on a rotating schedule,  visit everyday. In DC it was only my mom to visit and the combination of that stress (my mom visited everyday) and other life stuff literally made my mother seriously ill and hospitalized for almost 2 months.

So when my mother Lola  was diagnosed with PD .... EEK it was scary ......visions of wheelchairs and "homes" ......BUT couldn't have been more different !!! My mother continued playing tennis, (for a while) traveling , volunteering at the White House, hosting family parties and celebrations, driving on the Beltway, telling my sister and I what to do !!!!

Lola went to the Kennedy Center (in a wheelchair) and after my father died refused to even consider moving to a smaller home, or in with me or my sister. Fortunately she was able to afford live in caregivers. (we were lucky to find competent caring women )

So when I go to PD exercise classes I see WAY MORE men than women. WHY? The women with PD are probably too busy going places, taking care of family  matters, living their lives with  and despite PD. Good for us.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

foxes and coyotes

sunday April 10

Since I am now "over" the squirrels, I have a new wild life observational project (doesn't that sound better than obsession?)

Last week around 7 am I saw an animal in the backyard.......not a dog or small deer....I figured it was a fox, but not sure. (what else could it be?)

Yesterday at 7 am I was ready to take a picture and so VERY QUIETLY I opened the deck door and of course the animal (like squirrels ...smarter than me) ran and now I was sure NOW that it wasn't a fox but instead a coyote. Looked it up and yes, there are coyotes in Montgomery Cty and yes seen in Rockville.

SO this morning I decided to go on the deck earlier, 6:45 , VERY QUIETLY, slide the door open and from under the deck out dashes a FOX !!!! a real reddish brown bushy tailed FOX !!!!! (I'm positive)

Tomorrow I'll be ready at 6:30.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

UPDATES  April 5

Some days are tougher than others and I wish I had reasonable explanations for why but I would like to list what is annoying me.......(today only )

effects STILL of the heel break (16 months)                           squirrels
all my clothes                                                                           birdseed
bits of random papers  hiding in the house                            
presidential politics
the weather
16 bug bites I received in one hour in the backyard (not the woods)
JCCs lack of attention to MY questions
lost earring in the car somewhere

OK ...............SO
amuse myself  with ........ my blog, Wisconsin tshirt, pig / cow earrings (Republicans) word puzzles on line, Law and Order repeats, really old games shows (Password, Match Game ) and tension releasing activities like recycling, trash, laundry, throwing things out (ripped clothes, unmatched socks), make childrens books

Sort of whatever

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tripping with PD

I flew out or town this weekend and with a little planning the trip went smoothly. Here is what I suggest.....

1. Use a reliable car service or taxi or for the round trip to the airport. Then there's no worries about parking or unloading luggage etc.

2.When booking the flight chose the aisle seat.

3. Request a wheelchair (airlines will provide) from the curb to gate when booking the flight ,(can be done online).

4. Carry all meds (ALL!) with you. Don't pack them.

5. Bring on board ONLY what you need.....forget big books, newspapers, put laptops under your seat, keep yourself unencumbered.

6.Breathe, meditate, fantasize, dream.........I won't even suggest RELAX.......

7.Don't be afraid to ask for help even if you value your independence.

By the way, I am REALLY REALLY stopping the squirrel wars.....when the current supply of birdseed is used up I will  NOT buy any more until winter. You are on your own feathered friends and bushy tails.


Monday, March 21, 2016

My non motor aspects of PD or not

I like to collect things. Always have, always will. When I was a kid it was dolls and stuffed monkeys. (all the small monkeys were Curious George because George was not yet marketed as a toy (1975) and the big one, my favorite, was Zippy the chimp, who was my child. I also loved a candy called Chocolate Babies which was like a Tootsie Roll that look like a tiny baby. I would play with them, put them in a tissue bed, and then eat them in the morning !!!!!!

Early sign of PD OCD ? Maybe ....I think not .....but as I got older and had income I did continue to collect things and was able to use my job (teacher of young children) to incorporate appropriately some of the items (paired with books, as a learning center, matching letters and sounds) When the Beanie Baby fad was over and done (never bought one during the BB mania)  I used to buy them and give them to the kids at school on our initial home visits (to keep) and again in "Story Kits" (I put together about 50) . Now that I am retired I share my teaching materials with teacher friends and OF COURSE my granddaughter . (Just sent her the book of Angelina Ballerina and a BB mouse.)

If I didn't have PD I wouldn't even think of OCD . I like to collect stuff (neatly displayed and  frequently changed like a museum.) I like to sort and organize household items (like my sister). I like crossword puzzles and Jeopardy (like my mother). I love going outside and moving rocks, pulling weeds, removing dead branches (like my father). I love singing (like my kids)

As mon ami Jean Valjean sang "Who Am I ?" I am Diane Tunis


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

my first attempt at adding pics....The first one is the sunrise from last week (before DST)
The second ones are the CATS (from PD plus CATS) Monkey and Lilywhite and the bottom picture is PART of the bird/squirrel/cat thing I do...If this works I will eventually send a pic of the squirrel habitat, the rest of cat sculptures and bird feeders.
What do you think?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


HI friends and family,

Been awhile since I wrote, been busy having fun with the squirrels and bird feeders. I have conceded victory so now I am having fun trying out homemade squirrel feeders, their own feeding area, a scenic new view for both squirrels and birds, Everyone is happy.

Speaking of happy, I have been enjoying life  this week. I used to spend literally hours every morning in spring and summer in the backyard clearing brush, making rock paths, constructing a zen garden dedicated to cats......I can't do that anymore because the backyard is not level and unsafe so little by little I moved some slate pieces and rocks to the front yard. (Official Squirrel World) I have moved my cat statues to the deck which is officially Bird world. Now I can move objects and feeders and whatever I want in a safer environment .

Next item on the happy list is that I am going to the Apple Store tomorrow so I can learn how to put pictures on this blog ......birds, squirrels, family? friends,my collections.??

Last but not least, PD has given me the opportunity to meet people (with and without PD) through the  exercise/yoga classes offered by the Parkinsons Foundation of DC (look them up on line) and the JCC.....all the teachers are excellent and enthusiastic.....Kim, Sandy and Amy......and the people I have, women, those with obvious challenges, those folks that I wonder why they are there. Friendly and funny and a pleasure to spend an hour with a few times a week. And there are weird and random meetings of PD people who meet and connect at a store or shopping center.
Such fun !!!!

Whatever !!!              

Friday, March 4, 2016

Done with the squirrel/bird project

The final outcome of the bird / squirrel  "thing".....the winner is !!!!! Mother Nature !!!!!! The other day wind gusts were around 40mph and kinda wrecked the delicate ecosystem balance I had created.
Now, as of 10:30 this am  I have 3 areas on the deck. One is for the friendly industrious little gray friends.....plastic liter bottles with cheap(er) bird seed and apple cores . They seem happy.

Then there are 2 birds only feeding "stations".Those hanging feeders are filled with shelled seeds, seeds that have pepper and other squirrel deterring flavors ( not birds) . Thats it. Que sera sera.

When I figure out how to post pictures on this blog I will show you what they look like.

Haven't yet decided on a new project........spring is coming......maybe planting vegetables (that should bring many other unwanted critters....bunnies, chipmunks, deer !!!!)

Are squirrels gray or grey ?

whatever !!!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


My subtalar arthritis pain seems (fingers crossed) to have abated to a degree that the pain is at its usual ever present dull but not disabling ache. Yea.

My latest obsession I mean passion (project) is trying to beat the squirrels at a game I will never win. Keeping them away from the bird feeders is my goal. It will never happen. I have tried (and continue)) different seeds, location of feeders, special squirrel treats, nasty tasting seed that squirrels hate but birds like,

I like squirrels . They are cute and smart and clever and industrious.

There must be some psychological term to describe someone (like me) who KNOWS the outcome (squirrels rule) but thinks it will maybe be different next time !!!!

dumb              optimistic
clueless           delusional
pathetic           hopeful

Hoping for a calm week for all.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

PLUS (part of the blogs name)

Last Thursday I woke up to searing pain in my left ankle and heel like I broke it overnight !!!! Was able to crawl to my walker (never too far away) .Could not put any weight at all on my left foot,  talked to physiatrist, neurologist, and made an appt with the orthopedist. Adjusted pain meds, rested my foot, elevated it with ice, and took it "easy".

At the orthopedist today he explained that I now have SUBTALAR ARTHRITIS , It is a result of the calcaneus fracture. Which is the result of the PD fall down the steps 13 months ago. Ergo it is PD plus.

I can still do everything I want and need to do. Like use the remote, drive, drink(not at the same time), the usual. So as always, WHATEVER.

PS.....never heard of the calcaneal bone or subtalar arthritis. Learning new words everyday !!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Some days I sleep until  6 am .Most mornings I am awake between 4 and 5. Before I put my feet on the floor I try to

 1. go back to sleep
 2. breathe, relax, meditate, and attempt to
 3. NOT angst, worry, think, fret,  or stress or obsess.

That works for about 15 minutes at best. So what does an early riser do at 4:30? Here is what I do when I am waiting for the newspapers to be delivered.

Load / unload dishwasher                                    Go through storage boxes
Laundry                                                                Yoga / exercise (DVDs) stretching
Clean litter boxes                                                  Groom cats / remove cat fur from couches
Shop on line ( not necessarily buy)                       File papers
Take daily meds                                                    Watch recorded TV shows
Write blog entries                                                 Trash, recycling
Creating/writing books for Jaime and Oscar        Email, text

My favorite activity is watching the sunrise. And the squirrels. And the birds. An occasional deer.
And my cats watching the birds thinking they might catch one some day. (they are strictly indoors, but they can dream!!!) Refill bird feeders. Watch the local and national news.

I'm not sure this is all PD related. As a teacher I always got to school early to set up the days activities (and move furniture). Now that I am retired I still follow a similar schedule, without a classroom so I do it at home. It's okay with me !!!!!

That's it. I've got to go and shovel some ice and slush !!!!!! I will be careful. I PROMISE !!!!!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016



Taking Rytary's
 a little scary
I'm  usually lightheaded and queasy

Yet some movements seem easy
like walking and balance

I must confess
Ankle pain is less
Neurontin  seems to be helping

I continue to be cautious and also nauseous
when driving and exercising and thinking
about  what time I took what pill SO
I write it down to keep it straight
I hope not too early or too late.......

Whatever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

update on meds change (if you don't have PD you might want to skip this post) or MAYBE you want to learn something

When you have PD you learn very quickly the names of medicines you never heard of and how effective they are on any given day (or hour).

Sinemet, azilect, celexa, neupro patch, and my newest addition Rytary. Rytary is a form of LDopa (sinemet) that should alleviate some of the problems I have with stability, balance and walking and sleeping.

So far so good. (3 days) Walking with bigger steps, (less shuffling), better sleep  (my goal is 5am), more stability (was walking in the backyard, started to go backwards but didn't fall). Not bad, huh?
I"ll take it as a positive.

Downside is  dystonia (look it up) . Not a biggie.
Now, can I get a prescription for a pill that curbs appetite, grows hair, makes you smarter?

Whatever !!!!!!


Thursday, February 4, 2016

PD and my mother

Today is my mother Lola's birthday. She would have been 94, if she hadn't died of complications of PD. Lola's mother, grandfather, and brother all had PD.That makes me 4th generation. Whatever.

My mother was independent, smart, and not one to ever give up despite many personal and family challenges.Now that I have PD, I think about her as a role model for dignity,  perseverance, and class. She exercised every AM, got dressed, had a healthy breakfast, (she felt cantaloupe was the secret to longevity and good health) read the newspaper, and completed the Washington Post and NYTimes crossword puzzles IN INK. She checked the Wed grocery prices and went to Safeway, Giant, and Magruders to insure wise (spending) choices. My mother played bridge weekly as well as volunteering at the White House Comments Office (Carter and Clinton) and attending  events at the Womens National Democratic Club and had a subscription for the Kennedy Center Symphony series. She excelled at Jeopardy She took care of her extended family (cousins, etc) and was the only Grandma to 4 grandkids. She drove the Beltway instead of EW Highway (too time consuming).

Up until her last short hospitalization, Lola was full of life. Despite her increasing disabilities, she continued to give my sister Janice and I ( almost) unconditional love. She never knew I would develop PD, (I am thankful for that) but she showed me how to  and LIVE with PD.

We love you and miss you everyday . Happy Birthday MOM

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

PD mostly

Had my quarterly neurology appt with the world famous Dr. Pagan and his faithful companion Barbara W yesterday. As usual I was a total mess for about 5 days before the appt, in the form of headaches, teeth aches, upset stomach. Another case of IS IT PD? ANXIETY? VIRUS? 

The consensus was some med changes that could improve balance and walking, maybe relieve some ankle pain with more stability , will try it for about a month and see. New drugs (drug company issues and funding.)....not yet.

Don't worry.....still moving furniture, books, knick knacks, bird feeders, cat trees, small kitchen appliances, winter hats and boots (thanks for an early spring Phil) and just about an object not nailed down, a nail would stop me .........

Saw a deer (young one) in the back yard this morning , a sure sign of spring. Now another deer (larger) walked by the front window just a minute ago. I know NOTHING about wildlife but interesting to watch here in Nerdville.

you know

Friday, January 29, 2016


When I was growing up  my nickname was Molasses.....moved slowly, always the last to line up
In junior high the requirement in PE was to "do" the mile in 13  minutes or less. My time was 12:59.
(Really !! If you didn't you had to do it over again, right then and there)
  PD or ME ?

I liked kickball, volleyball, softball and tennis. (skill, not speed, gave me a fighting chance.)
Gymnastics.....rope, balance beam, vaulting the horse, trampoline..........the activities that bring on nightmares ..........
No problem swimming, canoeing, typical summer camp activities  BUT lets not discuss hiking in the Blue Ridge Mts/hills
   PD or ME ?

So this brings me to the question of how much of my current abilities/disabilities are PD ?  Age ?
Personality? Anxiety ? or................

No answers, only questions

WHATEVER !!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I made a promise that if we JUST didn't lose power.....electricity or cable , that I would NOT complain about the amount of snow, or how cold it is, or how long it took to clear our circle.
Promise kept. The white snow, blue sky, bright sun ....all stunningly beautiful.

The squirrels have been diligently digging out the bird feeder for themselves and bird friends. Our cats, White and Monkey, have been keeping watch over the front yard. They will hit the window with their paws if they see any unfair practices. A blue jay visited briefly.

I also made a promise to my family that I would NOT shovel any snow.....very hard for me not to shovel, I love shoveling..........THANKS to our kind neighbor Jeff and his snow blower.......(he came 3 times) our walkway and driveway are PERFECTLY clear . Now when it warms up a bit and melts I do plan to 'sweep and push' some snow. (not the same as shoveling)

Got lucky.

Friday, January 22, 2016


Blizzard coming. Today. Everything canceled or closed. Schools, Metro,  Airports, Amtrak.

Do I have wine ?  +             Food ?   +

cat food ?  +                         Meds?   +

TP ?    +                                Scrapers/Shovels/Salt ?  +

ELECTRICITY ?????????????????
POWER              ????????????????

36 inches or more


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Found my Bra story so its also included.

Snow predicted for Friday/Saturday....should be pretty


The other day a friend asked me (and Arnie) to join him for dinner and I politely declined because, as

I explained, I had already taken off my bra. ( It was around 5 pm ). He told me I had given TMI.

I can remember getting my first bra. It was a 'ladies" shop in Friendship Hgts and OLD women helped you get fitted. Very embarrassing . Shaking and stuffing and jiggling.

I guess there will  always be a store that has a bra fitting department. Currently I go to Nordstrom at Montgomery Mall where now I am the old lady and kind young women help me stuff, shake and jiggle.

I think lots of women prefer NO BRA , not for radical or political reasons, but because it feels better and 'freer'........AAAHHHH.......... If there is ANY way to leave the house WAB *(without a bra ) I will do it. Like you could wear several layers , OR an undershirt, or WHO CARES?????
(my mother did)

This blog may be of little interest to A cups or some men. Double D's know. I recently saw in a catalog that had G cups.

I am thinking that maybe today will be day WAB ...............


Morning Musing

Good morning.
At about 4 am I wrote a funny story about BRAs.....when to take them off (4:30-5:00) for the day, (about the same time I have glass #1 of wine) when you can go without, alternatives you can wear. Anyway I saved the piece, because I thought that seeing I am writing at 4 am was a little 'off' BUT I have no idea where I saved it so from now on it will be publish or perish ( my work ).

PD info
When you have PD you take a lot of meds. Add meds for heel pain, vitamins , cholesterol , bone density, baby aspirin and that totals 6 pills in the am, one injection, and 2 patches. During the day there is 2 more PD pills, 1 pain and at night, 1PD, 1pain, 1 cholesterol . Thank goodness I don't need sleeping pills.....I would be to tired to take any.

PD Plus  positives) is that I have an excellent health care plan that includes very reasonable prescription costs. Another advantage is Handicapped Parking, and the kindness of strangers who open doors (especially if you carry a cane) and help carry packages. Perhaps if they knew that at home I can move furniture there would be less kindness. But the reality is (for me) is that for me moving furniture is easier that getting in and out of the car, stepping up curbs, crossing parking lots in a timely manner, AND it is f-ing freezing out !!!!!


Saturday, January 16, 2016

TV remote

I think that the most important electronic convenience in the house is the TV REMOTE. When alone you can watch like 10 things at the same time, fast forward, record, stop a show to go to the bathroom, make the volume as loud or soft as you want, AND you never have to get off the couch.

Even if you are "sharing" the remote with another human, there are many opportunities  for practicing negotiation skills (you get 30 minutes, I get 30 minutes).  Creativity when no agreement or compromise can be reached is a great activity too. Hiding the remote is always amusing (to the hider)
Under a cushion or newspaper recycling pile or in your pants all work well.

Anger release is another benefit of a remote control such as
1. that show is stupid idiotic insulting
2. you've seen that episode a 1000 times ...try something new for a change
3. what else is on /whats coming on/ just pass it for a sec
(nothing personal, just about TV)

You could always leave the room and go to one of the TVs in the house, BUT sometimes......
ya know...........